Tutorials, applications
These tutorials present real-life applications of the pykeops.numpy
and pykeops.torch
from Gaussian processes to Optimal Transport theory and K-means clustering.
If you run a KeOps script for the first time, the internal engine may take a few minutes to compile all the relevant formulas. Do not worry: this work is done once and for all as KeOps stores the resulting shared object files (‘.so’) in a cache directory.
KeOps 101: Working with LazyTensors
Thanks to the pykeops.numpy.LazyTensor
and pykeops.torch.LazyTensor
KeOps can now speed-up your
NumPy or PyTorch programs without any overhead.
A wrapper for NumPy and PyTorch arrays
Fancy reductions, solving linear systems
Advanced usage: Vi, Vj, Pm helpers and symbolic variables
Using KeOps as a backend
KeOps can provide efficient GPU routines for high-level libraries such as scipy or GPytorch: if you’d like to see tutorials with other frameworks, please let us know.
Linking KeOps with scipy.sparse.linalg
Gaussian Mixture Models
KeOps can be used to fit Mixture Models with custom priors on large datasets:
Fitting a Gaussian Mixture Model
Interpolation - Splines
Thanks to a simple conjugate gradient solver,
the numpy.KernelSolve
and torch.KernelSolve
operators can be used to solve large-scale interpolation problems
with a linear memory footprint.
Kernel interpolation - NumPy API
Kernel interpolation - PyTorch API
A fast implementation of the K-means algorithm on the GPU.
K-means clustering - NumPy API
K-means clustering - PyTorch API
K-Nearest Neighbors
K-NN classification using the ArgKMin reduction.
K-NN on the MNIST dataset - PyTorch API
K-NN classification - NumPy API
K-NN classification - PyTorch API
Kernel MMDs, Optimal Transport
Thanks to its support of the Sum and LogSumExp reductions, KeOps is perfectly suited to the large-scale computation of Kernel norms and Sinkhorn divergences. Going further, the block-sparse routines allow us to implement genuine coarse-to-fine strategies that scale (almost) linearly with the number of samples, as advocated in (Schmitzer, 2016).
Relying on the KeOps routines generic_sum()
the GeomLoss library
provides Geometric Loss functions as simple PyTorch layers,
with a fully-fledged gallery of examples.
Implemented on the GPU for the very first time, these routines
outperform the standard Sinkhorn algorithm by a factor 50-100
and redefine the state-of-the-art
for discrete Optimal Transport: on modern hardware,
Wasserstein distances between clouds of 100,000 points can now be
computed in less than a second.
Surface registration
Diffeomorphic registration of meshes with the LDDMM framework.