Fancy reductions, solving linear systems

As discussed in the previous notebook, KeOps LazyTensors support a wide range of mathematical formulas. Let us now discuss the different operators that can be used to reduce our large M-by-N symbolic tensors into vanilla NumPy arrays or PyTorch tensors.


In this tutorial, we stick to the PyTorch interface; but note that apart from a few lines on backpropagation, everything here can be seamlessly translated to vanilla NumPy+KeOps code.

LogSumExp, KMin and advanced reductions

First, let’s build some large LazyTensors S_ij and V_ij which respectively handle scalar and vector formulas:

import torch

from pykeops.torch import LazyTensor

use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
tensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if use_cuda else torch.FloatTensor
M, N = (100000, 200000) if use_cuda else (1000, 2000)
D = 3

x = torch.randn(M, D).type(tensor)
y = torch.randn(N, D).type(tensor)

x_i = LazyTensor(x[:, None, :])  # (M, 1, D) LazyTensor
y_j = LazyTensor(y[None, :, :])  # (1, N, D) LazyTensor

V_ij = x_i - y_j  # (M, N, D) symbolic tensor of differences
S_ij = (V_ij**2).sum(-1)  # (M, N, 1) = (M, N) symbolic matrix of squared distances

KeOps LazyTensor
    formula: Sum(Square((Var(0,3,0) - Var(1,3,1))))
    shape: (100000, 200000)
KeOps LazyTensor
    formula: (Var(0,3,0) - Var(1,3,1))
    shape: (100000, 200000, 3)

As we’ve seen earlier, the pykeops.torch.LazyTensor.sum() reduction can be used on both S_ij and V_ij to produce genuine PyTorch 2D tensors:

print("Sum reduction of S_ij wrt. the 'N' dimension:", S_ij.sum(dim=1).shape)
Sum reduction of S_ij wrt. the 'N' dimension: torch.Size([100000, 1])

Note that LazyTensors support reductions over both indexing dimensions M and N, which can be specified using the PyTorch dim or the NumPy axis optional arguments:

print("Sum reduction of V_ij wrt. the 'M' dimension:", V_ij.sum(axis=0).shape)
Sum reduction of V_ij wrt. the 'M' dimension: torch.Size([200000, 3])

Just like PyTorch tensors, pykeops.torch.LazyTensor support a stabilized log-sum-exp reduction, computed efficiently with a running maximum in the CUDA loop. For example, the following line computes \(\log(\sum_ie^{S_{ij}})\)

    "LogSumExp reduction of S_ij wrt. the 'M' dimension:", S_ij.logsumexp(dim=0).shape
LogSumExp reduction of S_ij wrt. the 'M' dimension: torch.Size([200000, 1])

This reduction supports a weight parameter that can be scalar or vector-valued. For example, the following line computes \(\log(\sum_je^{S_{ij}}V_{ij})\)

    "LogSumExp reduction of S_ij, with 'weight' V_ij, wrt. the 'N' dimension:",
    S_ij.logsumexp(dim=1, weight=V_ij).shape,
LogSumExp reduction of S_ij, with 'weight' V_ij, wrt. the 'N' dimension: torch.Size([100000, 3])

Going further, the pykeops.torch.LazyTensor.min(), pykeops.torch.LazyTensor.max(), pykeops.torch.LazyTensor.argmin() or pykeops.torch.LazyTensor.argmax() reductions work as expected, following the sensible NumPy convention:

print("Min    reduction of S_ij wrt. the 'M' dimension:", S_ij.min(dim=0).shape)
print("ArgMin reduction of S_ij wrt. the 'N' dimension:", S_ij.argmin(dim=1).shape)

print("Max    reduction of V_ij wrt. the 'M' dimension:", V_ij.max(dim=0).shape)
print("ArgMax reduction of V_ij wrt. the 'N' dimension:", V_ij.argmax(dim=1).shape)
Min    reduction of S_ij wrt. the 'M' dimension: torch.Size([200000, 1])
ArgMin reduction of S_ij wrt. the 'N' dimension: torch.Size([100000, 1])
Max    reduction of V_ij wrt. the 'M' dimension: torch.Size([200000, 3])
ArgMax reduction of V_ij wrt. the 'N' dimension: torch.Size([100000, 3])

To compute both quantities in a single pass, feel free to use the pykeops.torch.LazyTensor.min_argmin() and pykeops.torch.LazyTensor.max_argmax() reductions:

m_i, s_i = S_ij.min_argmin(dim=0)
print("Min-ArgMin reduction on S_ij wrt. the 'M' dimension:", m_i.shape, s_i.shape)

m_i, s_i = V_ij.max_argmax(dim=1)
print("Max-ArgMax reduction on V_ij wrt. the 'N' dimension:", m_i.shape, s_i.shape)
Min-ArgMin reduction on S_ij wrt. the 'M' dimension: torch.Size([200000, 1]) torch.Size([200000, 1])
Max-ArgMax reduction on V_ij wrt. the 'N' dimension: torch.Size([100000, 3]) torch.Size([100000, 3])

More interestingly, KeOps also provides support for the pykeops.torch.LazyTensor.Kmin(), pykeops.torch.LazyTensor.argKmin() and pykeops.torch.LazyTensor.Kmin_argKmin() reductions that can be used to implement an efficient K-nearest neighbor algorithm :

K = 5
print("KMin    reduction of S_ij wrt. the 'M' dimension:", S_ij.Kmin(K=K, dim=0).shape)
    "ArgKMin reduction of S_ij wrt. the 'N' dimension:", S_ij.argKmin(K=K, dim=1).shape
KMin    reduction of S_ij wrt. the 'M' dimension: torch.Size([200000, 5])
ArgKMin reduction of S_ij wrt. the 'N' dimension: torch.Size([100000, 5])

It even works on vector formulas!

K = 7
print("KMin    reduction of V_ij wrt. the 'M' dimension:", V_ij.Kmin(K=K, dim=0).shape)
    "ArgKMin reduction of V_ij wrt. the 'N' dimension:", V_ij.argKmin(K=K, dim=1).shape
KMin    reduction of V_ij wrt. the 'M' dimension: torch.Size([200000, 7, 3])
ArgKMin reduction of V_ij wrt. the 'N' dimension: torch.Size([100000, 7, 3])

Finally, the pykeops.torch.LazyTensor.sumsoftmaxweight() reduction can be used to computed weighted SoftMax combinations

\[a_i = \frac{\sum_j \exp(s_{i,j})\,v_{i,j} }{\sum_j \exp(s_{i,j})},\]

with scalar coefficients \(s_{i,j}\) and arbitrary vector weights \(v_{i,j}\):

a_i = S_ij.sumsoftmaxweight(V_ij, dim=1)
    "SumSoftMaxWeight reduction of S_ij, with weights V_ij, wrt. the 'N' dimension:",
SumSoftMaxWeight reduction of S_ij, with weights V_ij, wrt. the 'N' dimension: torch.Size([100000, 3])

Solving linear systems

Inverting large M-by-M linear systems is a fundamental problem in applied mathematics. To help you solve problems of the form

\[\begin{split}& & a^{\star} & =\operatorname*{argmin}_a \| (\alpha\operatorname{Id}+K_{xx})a -b\|^2_2, \\\\ &\text{i.e.}\quad & a^{\star} & = (\alpha \operatorname{Id} + K_{xx})^{-1} b,\end{split}\]

KeOps pykeops.torch.LazyTensor support a simple LazyTensor.solve(b, alpha=1e-10) operation that we use as follows:

x = torch.randn(M, D, requires_grad=True).type(tensor)  # Random point cloud
x_i = LazyTensor(x[:, None, :])  # (M, 1, D) LazyTensor
x_j = LazyTensor(x[None, :, :])  # (1, M, D) LazyTensor

K_xx = (-((x_i - x_j) ** 2).sum(-1)).exp()  # Symbolic (M, M) Gaussian kernel matrix

alpha = 0.1  # "Ridge" regularization parameter
b_i = torch.randn(M, 4).type(tensor)  # Target signal, supported by the x_i's
a_i = K_xx.solve(b_i, alpha=alpha)  # Source signal, supported by the x_i's

print("a_i is now a {} of shape {}.".format(type(a_i), a_i.shape))
a_i is now a <class 'torch.Tensor'> of shape torch.Size([100000, 4]).

As expected, we can now check that:

\[(\alpha \operatorname{Id} + K_{xx}) \,a \simeq b.\]
c_i = alpha * a_i + K_xx @ a_i  # Reconstructed target signal

print("Mean squared reconstruction error: {:.2e}".format(((c_i - b_i) ** 2).mean()))
Mean squared reconstruction error: 2.56e-06

Please note that just like (nearly) all the other LazyTensor methods, pykeops.torch.LazyTensor.solve() fully supports the torch.autograd module:

[g_i] = torch.autograd.grad((a_i**2).sum(), [x])

print("g_i is now a {} of shape {}.".format(type(g_i), g_i.shape))
g_i is now a <class 'torch.Tensor'> of shape torch.Size([100000, 3]).


As of today, the pykeops.torch.LazyTensor.solve() operator only implements a conjugate gradient descent under the assumption that K_xx is a symmetric, positive-definite matrix. To solve generic systems, you could either interface KeOps with the routines of the SciPy package or implement your own solver, mimicking our reference implementation.

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 32.724 seconds)

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