Go to the end to download the full example code
K-Nearest Neighbors search
We compare the performances of PyTorch, JAX, KeOps, Scikit-Learn and FAISS (when applicable) for K-NN queries on random samples and standard datasets. A detailed discussion of these results can be found in Section 5.2 of our NeurIPS 2020 paper. Generally speaking, generic KeOps routines are orders of magnitude faster and more memory efficient than their PyTorch and JAX counterparts. They perform on par with the handcrafted CUDA kernels of the FAISS-Flat (bruteforce) method for problems with up to 1M samples in dimension 1 to 50-100, but are sub-optimal on larger datasets. Crucially, KeOps is easy to use with any metric: it provides the only competitive run times in the many settings that are not supported by existing C++ libraries.
In this demo, we often use exact bruteforce computations (tensorized for PyTorch/JAX, on-the-fly for KeOps) and do not leverage any quantization scheme or multiscale decomposition of the distance matrix. First support for these approximation strategies with KeOps is scheduled for May-June 2021. Going forward, a major priority for KeOps is to get closer to the reference run times of the FAISS library in all settings. We intend to provide a versatile, generic and pythonic code that is easy to modify and integrate in other projects. Hopefully, this will stimulate research on non-Euclidean metrics, such as hyperbolic or discrete spaces.
Note that timings are always subject to change: libraries and hardware get better with time. If you find a way of improving these benchmarks, please let us know!
First, we load some utility routines to run and display benchmarks:
import numpy as np
import torch
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from functools import partial
from benchmark_utils import (
from dataset_utils import generate_samples
use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
We then specify the values of K that we will inspect:
Ks = [1, 10, 50, 100] # Numbers of neighbors to find
PyTorch bruteforce implementation
As a first baseline, we benchmark a PyTorch K-NN routine on the GPU. We implement a collection of distance-like matrices between point clouds \((x_i)\) and \((y_j)\):
The squared Euclidean distance \(\|x-y\|^2 = \sum_k (x[k] - y[k])^2\).
The Manhattan distance \(\|x-y\|_{L^1} = \sum_k |x[k] - y[k]|\).
The cosine similarity \(\langle x, y\rangle = \sum_k (x[k] \cdot y[k])\).
The hyperbolic distance on the Poincare half-space \(\mathbb{H}\) of vectors \(x\) such that \(x[0] > 0\), \(\text{d}_{\mathbb{H}}(x, y)= \text{arcosh}(1+ \|x-y\|^2 / (2 \,x[0]y[0]))\). Since \(d \mapsto \text{arcosh}(1+d/2)\) is increasing, we only compute the pseudo distance \(\|x-y\|^2 / x[0]y[0]\).
Expanding the squared norm \(\|x-y\|^2\) as a sum \(\|x\|^2 - 2 \langle x, y \rangle + \|y\|^2\) allows us to leverage the fast matrix-matrix product of the BLAS/cuBLAS libraries. We rely on this identity whenever possible.
def KNN_torch_fun(x_train, x_train_norm, x_test, K, metric):
largest = False # Default behaviour is to look for the smallest values
if metric == "euclidean":
x_test_norm = (x_test**2).sum(-1)
diss = (
x_test_norm.view(-1, 1)
+ x_train_norm.view(1, -1)
- 2 * x_test @ x_train.t() # Rely on cuBLAS for better performance!
elif metric == "manhattan":
diss = (x_test[:, None, :] - x_train[None, :, :]).abs().sum(dim=2)
elif metric == "angular":
diss = x_test @ x_train.t()
largest = True
elif metric == "hyperbolic":
x_test_norm = (x_test**2).sum(-1)
diss = (
x_test_norm.view(-1, 1)
+ x_train_norm.view(1, -1)
- 2 * x_test @ x_train.t()
diss /= x_test[:, 0].view(-1, 1) * x_train[:, 0].view(1, -1)
raise NotImplementedError(f"The '{metric}' distance is not supported.")
return diss.topk(K, dim=1, largest=largest).indices
We rely on the tensorized implementation above to define a simple K-NN query operator. We follow the scikit-learn API with “train” and “test” methods:
def KNN_torch(K, metric="euclidean", **kwargs):
def fit(x_train):
# Setup the K-NN estimator:
x_train = tensor(x_train)
start = timer()
# The "training" time here should be negligible:
x_train_norm = (x_train**2).sum(-1)
elapsed = timer() - start
def f(x_test):
x_test = tensor(x_test)
start = timer()
# Actual K-NN query:
out = KNN_torch_fun(x_train, x_train_norm, x_test, K, metric)
elapsed = timer() - start
indices = out.cpu().numpy()
return indices, elapsed
return f, elapsed
return fit
Unfortunately, the code above creates a full \(\mathrm{N}_{\text{queries}}\times \mathrm{N}_{\text{points}}\) distance matrix that may not fit in the GPU memory. To work around this problem and avoid memory overflows, we benchmark a second implementation that works with small batches of queries at time:
def KNN_torch_batch_loop(K, metric="euclidean", **kwargs):
def fit(x_train):
# Setup the K-NN estimator:
x_train = tensor(x_train)
Ntrain, D = x_train.shape
start = timer()
# The "training" time here should be negligible:
x_train_norm = (x_train**2).sum(-1)
elapsed = timer() - start
def f(x_test):
x_test = tensor(x_test)
# Estimate the largest reasonable batch size:
Ntest = x_test.shape[0]
av_mem = int(5e8) # 500 Mb of GPU memory per batch
# Remember that a vector of D float32 number takes up 4*D bytes:
Ntest_loop = min(max(1, av_mem // (4 * D * Ntrain)), Ntest)
Nloop = (Ntest - 1) // Ntest_loop + 1
out = int_tensor(Ntest, K)
start = timer()
# Actual K-NN query:
for k in range(Nloop):
x_test_k = x_test[Ntest_loop * k : Ntest_loop * (k + 1), :]
out[Ntest_loop * k : Ntest_loop * (k + 1), :] = KNN_torch_fun(
x_train, x_train_norm, x_test_k, K, metric
# torch.cuda.empty_cache()
elapsed = timer() - start
indices = out.cpu().numpy()
return indices, elapsed
return f, elapsed
return fit
JAX bruteforce implementation
We now re-implement the same method with JAX-XLA routines.
Note that we run this script with the command line option
: this prevents JAX
from locking up GPU memory and allows
us to benchmark JAX, FAISS, PyTorch and KeOps next to each other.
This may impact performances - but as a general rule,
we found JAX to be orders of magnitude slower than PyTorch
and KeOps in these benchmarks, even with unrestrained access to the GPU device memory.
Needless to say, this is subject to change with future releases:
we stay tuned to keep this documentation up to date and welcome
all suggestions!
from functools import partial
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(2, 3))
def knn_jax_fun(x_train, x_test, K, metric):
if metric == "euclidean":
diss = (
(x_test**2).sum(-1)[:, None]
+ (x_train**2).sum(-1)[None, :]
- 2 * x_test @ x_train.T
elif metric == "manhattan":
diss = jax.lax.abs(x_test[:, None, :] - x_train[None, :, :]).sum(-1)
elif metric == "angular":
diss = -x_test @ x_train.T
elif metric == "hyperbolic":
diss = (
(x_test**2).sum(-1)[:, None]
+ (x_train**2).sum(-1)[None, :]
- 2 * x_test @ x_train.T
diss = diss / (x_test[:, 0][:, None] * x_train[:, 0][None, :])
raise NotImplementedError(f"The '{metric}' distance is not supported.")
indices = jax.lax.top_k(-diss, K)[1]
return indices
Straightforward K-NN query, with a scikit-learn interface:
def KNN_JAX(K, metric="euclidean", **kwargs):
def fit(x_train):
# Setup the K-NN estimator:
start = timer(use_torch=False)
x_train = jax_tensor(x_train)
elapsed = timer(use_torch=False) - start
def f(x_test):
x_test = jax_tensor(x_test)
# Actual K-NN query:
start = timer(use_torch=False)
indices = knn_jax_fun(x_train, x_test, K, metric)
indices = np.array(indices)
elapsed = timer(use_torch=False) - start
return indices, elapsed
return f, elapsed
return fit
Smarter routine, which relies on small batches to avoid memory overflows:
def KNN_JAX_batch_loop(K, metric="euclidean", **kwargs):
def fit(x_train):
# Setup the K-NN estimator:
start = timer(use_torch=False)
x_train = jax_tensor(x_train)
elapsed = timer(use_torch=False) - start
def f(x_test):
x_test = jax_tensor(x_test)
# Estimate the largest reasonable batch size
av_mem = int(5e8) # 500 Mb
Ntrain, D = x_train.shape
Ntest = x_test.shape[0]
Ntest_loop = min(max(1, av_mem // (4 * D * Ntrain)), Ntest)
Nloop = (Ntest - 1) // Ntest_loop + 1
indices = np.zeros((Ntest, K), dtype=int)
start = timer(use_torch=False)
# Actual K-NN query:
for k in range(Nloop):
x_test_k = x_test[Ntest_loop * k : Ntest_loop * (k + 1), :]
indices[Ntest_loop * k : Ntest_loop * (k + 1), :] = knn_jax_fun(
x_train, x_test_k, K, metric
elapsed = timer(use_torch=False) - start
return indices, elapsed
return f, elapsed
return fit
KeOps bruteforce implementation
KeOps lets us implement a bruteforce K-NN search efficiently,
without having to worry about memory overflows.
We perform all the “symbolic” computations on the distance formulas
ahead of time, using the advanced Vi
and Vj
helpers that are described
in this tutorial.
Note that we could also rely on the simpler LazyTensor
at the cost of a small overhead that is negligible in most settings.
from pykeops.torch import Vi, Vj
def KNN_KeOps(K, metric="euclidean", **kwargs):
def fit(x_train):
# Setup the K-NN estimator:
x_train = tensor(x_train)
start = timer()
# Encoding as KeOps LazyTensors:
D = x_train.shape[1]
X_i = Vi(0, D) # Purely symbolic "i" variable, without any data array
X_j = Vj(1, D) # Purely symbolic "j" variable, without any data array
# Symbolic distance matrix:
if metric == "euclidean":
D_ij = ((X_i - X_j) ** 2).sum(-1)
elif metric == "manhattan":
D_ij = (X_i - X_j).abs().sum(-1)
elif metric == "angular":
D_ij = -(X_i | X_j)
elif metric == "hyperbolic":
D_ij = ((X_i - X_j) ** 2).sum(-1) / (X_i[0] * X_j[0])
raise NotImplementedError(f"The '{metric}' distance is not supported.")
# K-NN query operator:
KNN_fun = D_ij.argKmin(K, dim=1)
# N.B.: The "training" time here should be negligible.
elapsed = timer() - start
def f(x_test):
x_test = tensor(x_test)
start = timer()
# Actual K-NN query:
indices = KNN_fun(x_test, x_train)
elapsed = timer() - start
indices = indices.cpu().numpy()
return indices, elapsed
return f, elapsed
return fit
SciKit-Learn tree-based and bruteforce methods
As a standard baseline, we include the scikit-learn K-NN operators in our benchmark. Note that these routines only run on the CPU and don’t perform well on high-dimensional datasets:
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
def KNN_sklearn(K, metric="euclidean", algorithm=None, **kwargs):
if metric in ["euclidean", "angular"]:
p = 2
elif metric == "manhattan":
p = 1
raise NotImplementedError(f"The '{metric}' distance is not supported.")
KNN_meth = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=K, algorithm=algorithm, p=p, n_jobs=-1)
def fit(x_train):
# Setup the K-NN estimator:
start = timer()
KNN_fun =
elapsed = timer() - start
def f(x_test):
start = timer()
distances, indices = KNN_fun(x_test)
elapsed = timer() - start
return indices, elapsed
return f, elapsed
return fit
KNN_sklearn_auto = partial(KNN_sklearn, algorithm="auto")
KNN_sklearn_ball_tree = partial(KNN_sklearn, algorithm="ball_tree")
KNN_sklearn_kd_tree = partial(KNN_sklearn, algorithm="kd_tree")
KNN_sklearn_brute = partial(KNN_sklearn, algorithm="brute")
FAISS approximate and brute-force methods
Finally, we include run times for the reference FAISS library: out of the many (excellent) packages that are showcased on the ANN-benchmarks website, it is probably the most popular option and the package that provides the best GPU support.
A first baseline method is given by the Hierarchical Navigable Small World graphs algorithm (HNSW), on the CPU. Note that the reference implementation provided by the Non-Metric Space Library would probably be even more efficient.
import faiss
def KNN_faiss_HNSW(K, metric="euclidean", M=36, **kwargs):
def fit(x_train):
from benchmark_utils import timer
D = x_train.shape[1]
if metric in ["euclidean", "angular"]:
index = faiss.IndexHNSWFlat(D, M)
index.hnsw.efConstruction = 500
raise NotImplementedError(f"The '{metric}' distance is not supported.")
# Pre-processing:
start = timer(use_torch=False)
elapsed = timer(use_torch=False) - start
# Return an operator for actual KNN queries:
def f(x_test, efSearch=10):
faiss.ParameterSpace().set_index_parameter(index, "efSearch", efSearch)
start = timer(use_torch=False)
distances, indices =, K)
elapsed = timer(use_torch=False) - start
return indices, elapsed
return f, elapsed
return fit
Choosing good parameter values for approximate nearest neighbors schemes is a non-trivial problem. To keep things simple, we stick to the guidelines of the reference ANN-Benchmarks website and consider two configurations with an increasing level of precision, but slower run times:
KNN_faiss_HNSW_fast = partial(KNN_faiss_HNSW, M=4)
KNN_faiss_HNSW_slow = partial(KNN_faiss_HNSW, M=36)
We also benchmark two of the fast GPU methods provided by the FAISS library:
a bruteforce “Flat” method, with no parameters;
the approximate “IVF-Flat” method, with two main parameters (nlist and nprobe).
Crucially, we do not benchmark the most advanced schemes provided by FAISS, such as the quantization-based IVF-PQ algorithm. These methods are powerful and very efficient, but come with many caveats and parameters to tune: we lack the expertise to use them properly and leave them aside for the moment.
# Load FAISS on the GPU:
# (The library pre-allocates a cache file of around ~1Gb on the device.)
res = faiss.StandardGpuResources()
deviceId = 0
def KNN_faiss_gpu(
def fit(x_train):
D = x_train.shape[1]
co = faiss.GpuClonerOptions()
co.useFloat16 = use_float16
if metric in ["euclidean", "angular"]:
if algorithm == "flat":
index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(D) # May be used as quantizer
index = faiss.index_cpu_to_gpu(res, deviceId, index, co)
elif algorithm == "ivfflat":
quantizer = faiss.IndexFlatL2(D) # the other index
faiss_metric = (
if metric == "euclidean"
index = faiss.IndexIVFFlat(quantizer, D, nlist, faiss_metric)
index = faiss.index_cpu_to_gpu(res, deviceId, index, co)
assert not index.is_trained
index.train(x_train) # add vectors to the index
assert index.is_trained
raise NotImplementedError(f"The '{metric}' distance is not supported.")
# Pre-processing:
start = timer(use_torch=False)
index.nprobe = nprobe
elapsed = timer(use_torch=False) - start
# Return an operator for actual KNN queries:
def f(x_test):
start = timer(use_torch=False)
distances, indices =, K)
elapsed = timer(use_torch=False) - start
return indices, elapsed
return f, elapsed
return fit
Using the FAISS-Flat bruteforce routines is straightforward:
KNN_faiss_gpu_Flat = partial(KNN_faiss_gpu, algorithm="flat")
On the other hand, the FAISS-IVF-Flat method is a bit more complex. Just as we did for the HNSW algorithm, we rely on the ANN-Benchmarks guidelines and define two routines with increasing levels of precision:
KNN_faiss_gpu_IVFFlat_fast = partial(
KNN_faiss_gpu, algorithm="ivfflat", nlist=400, nprobe=1
KNN_faiss_gpu_IVFFlat_slow = partial(
KNN_faiss_gpu, algorithm="ivfflat", nlist=4096, nprobe=40
Benchmark parameters
Finally, we compare all our methods through a unified interface.
Fitting KeOps, JAX, PyTorch and FAISS in a single script is not easy: all these libraries have different failure modes, with some of the C++ errors thrown by JAX and FAISS being very hard to “catch” in a proper Python structure. To keep things simple, we use environment variables to make a few “pre-compilation runs” prior to the final benchmark that is rendered on this website.
import os
getenv = lambda s: bool(os.getenv(s, "False").lower() in ["true", "1"])
keops_only = getenv("KEOPS_DOC_PRECOMPILE")
jax_only = getenv("KEOPS_DOC_PRECOMPILE_JAX")
def run_KNN_benchmark(name, loops=[1]):
# Load the dataset and some info:
dataset = generate_samples(name)(1)
N_train, dimension = dataset["train"].shape
N_test, _ = dataset["test"].shape
metric = dataset["metric"]
# Routines to benchmark:
if keops_only:
routines = [(KNN_KeOps, "KeOps (GPU)", {})]
elif jax_only:
routines = [(KNN_JAX_batch_loop, "JAX (small batches, GPU)", {})]
routines = [
(KNN_KeOps, "KeOps (GPU)", {}),
(KNN_faiss_gpu_Flat, "FAISS-Flat (GPU)", {}),
(KNN_faiss_gpu_IVFFlat_fast, "FAISS-IVF-Flat (GPU, nprobe=1)", {}),
(KNN_faiss_gpu_IVFFlat_slow, "FAISS-IVF-Flat (GPU, nprobe=40)", {}),
(KNN_torch, "PyTorch (GPU)", {}),
(KNN_torch_batch_loop, "PyTorch (small batches, GPU)", {}),
(KNN_JAX_batch_loop, "JAX (small batches, GPU)", {}),
(KNN_faiss_HNSW_fast, "FAISS-HNSW (CPU, M=4)", {}),
(KNN_faiss_HNSW_slow, "FAISS-HNSW (CPU, M=36)", {}),
(KNN_sklearn_ball_tree, "sklearn, Ball-tree (CPU)", {}),
(KNN_sklearn_kd_tree, "sklearn, KD-tree (CPU)", {}),
# (KNN_sklearn_brute, "sklearn, bruteforce (CPU)", {}),
# Actual run:
f"K-NN search on {name}: {N_test:,} queries on a dataset of {N_train:,} points\nin dimension {dimension:,} with a {metric} metric.",
max_time=1 if (keops_only or jax_only) else 10,
xlabel="Number of neighbours K",
ylabel="Queries per second (Hz = 1/s)",
legend_location="upper right",
# "<-.",
Random samples in a Euclidean space
Small dataset of 10k points in dimension 3, as is typical in e.g. shape analysis and point cloud processing. In this scenario, bruteforce approaches are most efficient: KeOps slightly edges FAISS-Flat, with both methods out-performing other routines by an order of magnitude. Note that the HNSW, IVF-Flat and scikit-learn functions incur a significant “training” pre-processing time, detailed below the curves.
run_KNN_benchmark("R^D a", loops=[10, 1])
Large dataset of 1M points in dimension 3, as is typical in computer graphics. In this setting, taking some time to create a multiscale index of the input dataset can be worthwhile: the IVF-Flat and HNSW methods provide faster queries at the cost of significant pre-processing times. Among “on-the-fly” bruteforce methods, KeOps edges the FAISS-Flat routine and is the most competitive option.
run_KNN_benchmark("R^D b")
Large dataset of 1M points in dimension 10, as can be typical in low-dimensional machine learning. In this setting, approximate strategies such as the IVF-Flat method are most competitive - and we would expect the IVF-PQ routines to perform even better!
We don’t display CPU-based methods with pre-processing times longer than 60s, but stress that these routines can provide excellent performances in “offline” scenarios.
run_KNN_benchmark("R^D c")
Large dataset of 1M points in dimension 100, with random Gaussian samples. Crucially, when the dataset is high-dimensional and has little to no geometric structure, bruteforce methods become relevant once again: FAISS-Flat and KeOps provide the only two reasonable run times. As detailed in our high-dimensional benchmarks, the cuBLAS-based routines of FAISS edge our KeOps implementation when the dimension of the ambient space D exceeds 50-100.
One of our top priorities for early 2021 is to close this gap with improved CUDA schemes. Adding support for some of the new hardware features of Ampere GPUs (Tensor cores, quantized numerical types, etc.) should also help to improve performances across the board.
run_KNN_benchmark("R^D d")
Random samples in other spaces
Cosine similarity metric with 1M points in dimension 10, as can be typical in low-dimensional machine learning. This metric is generally well-supported by standard libraries: using efficient matrix-matrix products, it is even easier to implement than the squared Euclidean distance.
Unsurprisingly, run times follow closely the trends of the previous examples. In dimension 10, approximate IVF-like strategies provide the largest amount of queries per second. KeOps remains competitive among bruteforce methods, without any pre-processing time.
The picture changes completely once we start working with less common formulas such as the Manhattan-L1 metric. In this scenario, neither cuBLAS nor FAISS can be used and KeOps remain the only competitive library for K-NN search on the GPU. This is true with 1M points in dimension 10:
run_KNN_benchmark("R^D f")
1M point in dimension 100, or any other dataset:
run_KNN_benchmark("R^D g")
The same lesson holds in e.g. hyperbolic spaces. In the example below, we perform K-NN queries for the hyperbolic metric with 1M points in the Poincare half-plane of dimension 10. The run times for KeOps remain in line with the “Euclidean” benchmarks and orders of magnitude faster than standard PyTorch and JAX implementations.
Standard datasets
The benchmarks above were all performed on random Gaussian samples. These results provide an informative baseline… But in practice, most real-life datasets present a geometric structure that can be leveraged by clever algorithms. To measure the performances of bruteforce and IVF-like methods in “realistic” machine learning scenarios, we now benchmark our routines on several standard datasets.
First of all, on the well-known MNIST collection of handwritten digits: a collection of 60k 28-by-28 images, encoded as vectors of dimension 784 and endowed with the Euclidean metric. This dataset is relatively small (less than 100k training samples) but high-dimensional (D > 50) and highly clustered around a dozen of prototypes (the digits 0, 1, …, 9 and their variants). Unsurprisingly, it is handled much more efficiently by the FAISS routines than by our bruteforce KeOps implementation.
run_KNN_benchmark("MNIST a")
Note, however, that KeOps remains the only viable option to work easily with less common metrics such as the Manhattan-L1 norm:
run_KNN_benchmark("MNIST b")
To conclude this benchmark, we evaluate our routines on the GloVe word embeddings for natural language processing: 1.2M words, represented as vectors of dimension 25-100 and compared with each other using the cosine similarity metric.
In dimension 25, KeOps performs on par with the FAISS-Flat bruteforce routines. Both methods are slower than IVF-like algorithms in terms of queries per second:
In dimension 100, the pre-processing times associated to IVF-like methods increase significantly while the FAISS-Flat routine edges the KeOps engine by a sizeable margin: