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KernelSolve reduction
Let’s see how to solve discrete deconvolution problems
using the conjugate gradient solver provided by
Standard imports:
import time
import torch
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pykeops.torch import KernelSolve
if torch.__version__ >= "1.8":
torchsolve = lambda A, B: torch.linalg.solve(A, B)
torchsolve = lambda A, B: torch.solve(B, A)[0]
Define our dataset:
N = 5000 if torch.cuda.is_available() else 500 # Number of points
D = 2 # Dimension of the ambient space
Dv = 2 # Dimension of the vectors (= number of linear problems to solve)
sigma = 0.1 # Radius of our RBF kernel
x = torch.rand(N, D, requires_grad=True)
b = torch.rand(N, Dv)
g = torch.Tensor([0.5 / sigma**2]) # Parameter of the Gaussian RBF kernel
if torch.cuda.is_available():
sync = torch.cuda.synchronize
def sync():
KeOps kernel
Define a Gaussian RBF kernel:
formula = "Exp(- g * SqDist(x,y)) * b"
aliases = [
"x = Vi(" + str(D) + ")", # First arg: i-variable of size D
"y = Vj(" + str(D) + ")", # Second arg: j-variable of size D
"b = Vj(" + str(Dv) + ")", # Third arg: j-variable of size Dv
"g = Pm(1)",
] # Fourth arg: scalar parameter
Define the inverse kernel operation, with a ridge regularization alpha:
alpha = 0.01
Kinv = KernelSolve(formula, aliases, "b", axis=1)
This operator uses a conjugate gradient solver and assumes
that formula defines a symmetric, positive and definite
linear reduction with respect to the alias "b"
specified trough the third argument.
Apply our solver on arbitrary point clouds:
print("Solving a Gaussian linear system, with {} points in dimension {}.".format(N, D))
start = time.time()
c = Kinv(x, x, b, g, alpha=alpha)
end = time.time()
print("Timing (KeOps implementation):", round(end - start, 5), "s")
Solving a Gaussian linear system, with 5000 points in dimension 2.
Timing (KeOps implementation): 0.28775 s
Compare with a straightforward PyTorch implementation:
start = time.time()
K_xx = alpha * torch.eye(N) + torch.exp(
-torch.sum((x[:, None, :] - x[None, :, :]) ** 2, dim=2) / (2 * sigma**2)
c_py = torchsolve(K_xx, b)
end = time.time()
print("Timing (PyTorch implementation):", round(end - start, 5), "s")
print("Relative error = ", (torch.norm(c - c_py) / torch.norm(c_py)).item())
# Plot the results next to each other:
for i in range(Dv):
plt.subplot(Dv, 1, i + 1)
plt.plot(c.cpu().detach().numpy()[:40, i], "-", label="KeOps")
plt.plot(c_py.cpu().detach().numpy()[:40, i], "--", label="PyTorch")
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
![plot test invkernel torch](../../_images/sphx_glr_plot_test_invkernel_torch_001.png)
Timing (PyTorch implementation): 0.41689 s
Relative error = 0.0003085198113694787
Compare the derivatives:
print("1st order derivative")
e = torch.randn(N, D)
start = time.time()
(u,) = torch.autograd.grad(c, x, e)
end = time.time()
print("Timing (KeOps derivative):", round(end - start, 5), "s")
start = time.time()
(u_py,) = torch.autograd.grad(c_py, x, e)
end = time.time()
print("Timing (PyTorch derivative):", round(end - start, 5), "s")
print("Relative error = ", (torch.norm(u - u_py) / torch.norm(u_py)).item())
# Plot the results next to each other:
for i in range(Dv):
plt.subplot(Dv, 1, i + 1)
plt.plot(u.cpu().detach().numpy()[:40, i], "-", label="KeOps")
plt.plot(u_py.cpu().detach().numpy()[:40, i], "--", label="PyTorch")
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
![plot test invkernel torch](../../_images/sphx_glr_plot_test_invkernel_torch_002.png)
1st order derivative
Timing (KeOps derivative): 0.33495 s
Timing (PyTorch derivative): 0.15727 s
Relative error = 0.0023607087787240744
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.516 seconds)