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LogSumExp reduction
Let’s compute the (3000,1) tensor
is a (3000,1) tensor, with entries . is a (5000,1) tensor, with entries . is a (5000,1) tensor, with entries . is a scalar, encoded as a vector of size (1,).
Standard imports:
import time
import torch
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from torch.autograd import grad
from pykeops.torch import Genred
Declare random inputs:
M = 3000
N = 5000
dtype = "float32" # Could be 'float32' or 'float64'
torchtype = torch.float32 if dtype == "float32" else torch.float64
x = torch.rand(M, 1, dtype=torchtype)
y = torch.rand(N, 1, dtype=torchtype, requires_grad=True)
a = torch.rand(N, 1, dtype=torchtype)
p = torch.rand(1, dtype=torchtype)
Define a custom formula
formula = "Square(p-a)*Exp(x+y)"
variables = [
"x = Vi(1)", # First arg : i-variable, of size 1 (scalar)
"y = Vj(1)", # Second arg : j-variable, of size 1 (scalar)
"a = Vj(1)", # Third arg : j-variable, of size 1 (scalar)
"p = Pm(1)",
] # Fourth arg : Parameter, of size 1 (scalar)
start = time.time()
Our log-sum-exp reduction is performed over the index 1
of the kernel matrix.
The output c is an
my_routine = Genred(formula, variables, reduction_op="LogSumExp", axis=1)
c = my_routine(x, y, a, p, backend="CPU")
# N.B.: By specifying backend='CPU', we can make sure that the result is computed using a simple C++ for loop.
"Time to compute the convolution operation on the cpu: ",
round(time.time() - start, 5),
end=" ",
Time to compute the convolution operation on the cpu: 0.0438 s
We compare with the unstable, naive computation “Log of Sum of Exp”:
my_routine2 = Genred(
"Exp(" + formula + ")", variables, reduction_op="Sum", axis=1, dtype=dtype
c2 = torch.log(my_routine2(x, y, a, p, backend="CPU"))
print("(relative error: ", ((c2 - c).norm() / c.norm()).item(), ")")
# Plot the results next to each other:
plt.plot(c.detach().cpu().numpy()[:40], "-", label="KeOps - Stable")
plt.plot(c2.detach().cpu().numpy()[:40], "--", label="KeOps - Unstable")
plt.legend(loc="lower right")

[pyKeOps] Warning : keyword argument dtype in Genred is deprecated ; argument is ignored.
(relative error: 4.7257245228138345e-08 )
Compute the gradient
Now, let’s compute the gradient of
takes as input a new tensor
with the shape ofoutputs a tensor
with the shape of
such that for all variation
Backpropagation is all about computing the tensor
# Declare a new tensor of shape (M,1) used as the input of the gradient operator.
# It can be understood as a "gradient with respect to the output c"
# and is thus called "grad_output" in the documentation of PyTorch.
e = torch.rand_like(c)
# Call the gradient op:
start = time.time()
g = grad(c, y, e)[0]
# PyTorch remark : grad(c, y, e) alone outputs a length 1 tuple, hence the need for [0] at the end.
"Time to compute gradient of convolution operation on the cpu: ",
round(time.time() - start, 5),
end=" ",
Time to compute gradient of convolution operation on the cpu: 0.04237 s
We compare with gradient of Log of Sum of Exp:
g2 = grad(c2, y, e)[0]
print("(relative error: ", ((g2 - g).norm() / g.norm()).item(), ")")
# Plot the results next to each other:
plt.plot(g.detach().cpu().numpy()[:40], "-", label="KeOps - Stable")
plt.plot(g2.detach().cpu().numpy()[:40], "--", label="KeOps - Unstable")
plt.legend(loc="lower right")

(relative error: 6.818851261414238e-08 )
Same operations performed on the Gpu
Of course, this will only work if you own a Gpu…
if torch.cuda.is_available():
# first transfer data on gpu
pc, ac, xc, yc, ec = p.cuda(), a.cuda(), x.cuda(), y.cuda(), e.cuda()
# then call the operations
start = time.time()
c3 = my_routine(xc, yc, ac, pc, backend="GPU")
"Time to compute convolution operation on the gpu:",
round(time.time() - start, 5),
"s ",
print("(relative error:", float(torch.abs((c2 - c3.cpu()) / c2).mean()), ")")
start = time.time()
g3 = grad(c3, yc, ec)[0]
"Time to compute gradient of convolution operation on the gpu:",
round(time.time() - start, 5),
"s ",
print("(relative error:", float(torch.abs((g2 - g3.cpu()) / g2).mean()), ")")
# Plot the results next to each other:
plt.plot(c.detach().cpu().numpy()[:40], "-", label="KeOps - CPU")
plt.plot(c3.detach().cpu().numpy()[:40], "--", label="KeOps - GPU")
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
# Plot the results next to each other:
plt.plot(g.detach().cpu().numpy()[:40], "-", label="KeOps - CPU")
plt.plot(g3.detach().cpu().numpy()[:40], "--", label="KeOps - GPU")
plt.legend(loc="lower right")

Time to compute convolution operation on the gpu: 0.02444 s (relative error: 2.094349760284331e-08 )
Time to compute gradient of convolution operation on the gpu: 0.00137 s (relative error: 1.086274750150551e-07 )
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.514 seconds)