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Matrix multiplication binary operation for LazyTensor objects or default matrix multiplication operation for R matrices.


x %*% y


x, y

input for %*%.default() or %*%.LazyTensor().


See value of %*%.default() or %*%.LazyTensor().


If x or y is a LazyTensor, see %*%.LazyTensor(), else see %*%.default().


Chloe Serre-Combe, Amelie Vernay


if (FALSE) {
# R base operation
x <- matrix(runif(10 * 5), 10, 5)   # arbitrary R matrix, 10 rows, 5 columns
x <- matrix(runif(5 * 3), 5, 3)     # arbitrary R matrix, 5 rows, 3 columns
x %*% y                             # product matrix, 10 rows, 3 columns

# LazyTensor matrix multiplication
x <- matrix(runif(150 * 3), 150, 3) # arbitrary R matrix, 150 rows, 3 columns
y <- matrix(runif(150 * 3), 150, 3) # arbitrary R matrix, 150 rows, 3 columns
x_i <- LazyTensor(x, index = 'i')   # creating LazyTensor from matrix x, 
                                    # indexed by 'i'
y_j <- LazyTensor(y, index = 'j')   # creating LazyTensor from matrix y, 
                                    # indexed by 'j'
x_mult_y <- x_i %*% y_j             # FIXME