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# load rkeops
# create a dedicated Python environment with reticulate (to be done only once)
# activate the dedicated Python environment
reticulate::use_virtualenv(virtualenv = "rkeops", required = TRUE)
# install rkeops requirements (to be done only once)

Lazy evaluation

Lazy evaluation allows to write intermediate computations as symbolic operations that are not directly evaluated. The real evaluation is only made on final computation.

To do so, you can use LazyTensors. These are objects wrapped around R matrices or vectors used to create symbolic formulas for the KeOps reduction operations. A typical use case is the following:

Let us say that we want to compute (for all \(j=1,\dots,N\)):

\[ a_j = \sum_{i=1}^{M} \exp\left(-\frac{\Vert \mathbf x_i - \mathbf y_j\Vert^2}{s^2}\right) \]


  • parameter: \(s \in\mathbb R\)

  • \(i\)-indexed variables \(\mathbf X = [\mathbf x_i]_{i=1,...,M} \in\mathbb R^{M\times 3}\)

  • \(j\)-indexed variables \(\mathbf Y = [\mathbf y_j]_{j=1,...,N} \in\mathbb R^{N\times 3}\)

The associated code would be:

# to run computation on CPU (default mode)
# OR
# to run computations on GPU (to be used only if relevant)

# Data
M <- 10000
N <- 15000
x <- matrix(runif(N * 3), nrow = M, ncol = 3) # arbitrary R matrix representing 
                                              # 10000 data points in R^3
y <- matrix(runif(M * 3), nrow = N, ncol = 3) # arbitrary R matrix representing 
                                              # 15000 data points in R^3
s <- 0.1                                      # scale parameter

# Turn our Tensors into KeOps symbolic variables:
x_i <- LazyTensor(x, "i")     # symbolic object representing an arbitrary row of x, 
                              # indexed by the letter "i"
y_j <- LazyTensor(y, "j")     # symbolic object representing an arbitrary row of y, 
                              # indexed by the letter "j"

# Perform large-scale computations, without memory overflows:
D_ij <- sum((x_i - y_j)^2)    # symbolic matrix of pairwise squared distances, 
                              # with 10000 rows and 15000 columns

K_ij <- exp(- D_ij / s^2)     # symbolic matrix, 10000 rows and 15000 columns

# D_ij and K_ij are only symbolic at that point, no computation is done

# Computing the result without storing D_ij and K_ij:
a_j <- sum(K_ij, index = "i") # actual R matrix (in fact a row vector of 
                              # length 15000 here)
                              # containing the column sums of K_ij
                              # (i.e. the sums over the "i" index, for each 
                              # "j" index)

All the available operations are listed in the section “Operation”.


To encode symbolically a matrix, a vector, or a single value as a LazyTensor, you can use the function LazyTensor(). Run ?LazyTensor to display the complete documentation.

Note: In general, the term “LazyTensor” can denote both a single matrix or vector wrapped in a LazyTensor or several LazyTensors combined with a formula; same for “ComplexLazyTensor”.


The LazyTensor function also allows to encode mathematical objects formed of complex numbers. These new objects are called ComplexLazyTensors but note that these are also LazyTensors, however, they are not encoded quite the same way: the real and complex parts are dissociated and stored in two contiguous columns. Below is a simple example of what complex number objects become once encoded as ComplexLazyTensors:

# Arbitrary complex R matrix
z <- matrix(2 + 1i^(-6:-1), nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 1+0i 3+0i
## [2,] 2-1i 2+1i

# Encode as a `ComplexLazyTensor`, indexed by 'i'
z_i <- LazyTensor(z, index = 'i', is_complex = TRUE)

# extract the data (corresponding to `z` value)
## [[1]]
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,]    1    0    3    0
## [2,]    2   -1    2    1

# Same idea with a vector of complex
v_z <- c(4 + 5i, 2 + 3i, 7 + 1i)
## [1] 4+5i 2+3i 7+1i

# Encode as a vector parameter `ComplexLazyTensor`
Pm_v_z <- LazyTensor(v_z, is_complex = TRUE)

# extract the data (corresponding to `v_z` value)
## [[1]]
##     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
## [1,]    4    5    2    3    7    1

Of course if you create a vector or a matrix of real values, and encode it as a ComplexLazyTensor, a zero imaginary part is added to it:

# Real R vector
v <- c(5, 4, 7, 9)

Pm_v <- LazyTensor(v, is_complex = TRUE)
## [[1]]
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
## [1,]    5    0    4    0    7    0    9    0


Note: If none of the input arguments are of class LazyTensor or ComplexLazyTensor, the default R function (if any) is used instead. Please refer to the help page of each function for type compatibility, dimension compatibility, and further details. You can also take a look at the “Using RKeOps” vignette, at the “Arguments” section, for further explanations about inner and outer dimensions.

Result dimension

LazyTensors contain a dimres attribute, which is an integer corresponding to the inner dimension of the LazyTensor. It is used when creating new LazyTensors resulting from operations to keep track of the dimension, and it enables you to check dimension compatibility when dealing with large operations.

N <- 100
# arbitrary R matrices representing 100 data points in R^3
w <- matrix(runif(N * 3), nrow = N, ncol = 3)
x <- matrix(runif(N * 3), nrow = N, ncol = 3)
y <- matrix(runif(N * 3), nrow = N, ncol = 3)

# Create `LazyTensor`s from `w`, `x` and `y`
w_i <- LazyTensor(w, "i")
x_i <- LazyTensor(x, "i")
y_j <- LazyTensor(y, "j")

# print `x_i` inner dimension:

# print `y_j` inner dimension:

# Simple addition
sum_xy <- x_i + y_j

# print `sum_xy` inner dimension:

# Euclidean element-wise squared distance
sq_dist_sum_xy_w <- sqdist(sum_xy, w_i)

# print `sq_dist_sum_xy_w` inner dimension:

Simple arithmetics

Here, x and y are LazyTensors, and the result as well.

operation meaning
x + y element-wise addition of x and y
x - y element-wise subtraction of x and y
-x element-wise opposite of x
x * y element-wise multiplication of x and y
x / y element-wise division of x by y
x^y element-wise value of x to the power of y
(x|y) Euclidean scalar product between x and y

Elementary functions

Here, x and y are LazyTensors, and the result as well.

function meaning
square(x) element-wise square of x (faster than x^2)
sqrt(x) element-wise square root of x (faster than x^(.5))
rsqrt(x) element-wise inverse square root of x (faster than x^(-.5))
exp(x) element-wise exponential of x
log(x) element-wise natural logarithm of x
xlogx(x) element-wise x * log(x) (with value 0 at 0)
inv(x) element-wise inverse of x
cos(x) element-wise cosine of x
sin(x) element-wise sine of x
sinxdivx(x) element-wise sin(x) / x (with value 1 at 0)
acos(x) element-wise arc-cosine of x
asin(x) element-wise arc-sine of x
acos(x) element-wise arc-cosine of x
atan(x) element-wise arc-tangent of x
atan2(x, y) element-wise 2-argument arc-tangent function
abs(x) element-wise absolute value of x (or modulus if x is a ComplexLazyTensor, same as Mod(x))
sign(x) element-wise sign of x (-1 if x < 0, 0 if x = 0, +1 if x > 0)
step(x) element-wise step function (0 if x < 0, 1 if x >= 0)
relu(x) element-wise ReLU function (0 if x < 0, x if x >= 0)
clamp(x, a, b) element-wise Clamp function (a if x < a, x if a <= x <= b, b if b < x)
clampint(x, a, b) element-wise Clamp function with a and b fixed integers
ifelse(x, a, b) element-wise If-Else function (a if x >= 0, b if x < 0)
mod(x, a, b) element-wise Modulo function, with offset (x - a * floor((x - b)/a))
round(x, d) element-wise rounding of x to d decimal places

Operations involving complex numbers

Here, z is a ComplexLazyTensor, and x is a LazyTensor. The result is a LazyTensor or a ComplexLazyTensor, depending on the operation.

operation meaning
Re(z) element-wise real part of z
Im(z) element-wise imaginary part of z
Arg(z) element-wise angle (or argument) of z
Mod(z) element-wise modulus of z
Conj(z) element-wise conjugate of z
real2complex(x) element-wise conversion of real to complex with zero imaginary part (x + 0i)
imag2complex(x) element-wise conversion of real to complex with zero real part (0 + xi)

Simple vector operations

Here, x, y and s are LazyTensors, and the result as well.

operation meaning
norm2(x) L2 norm of x, same as sqrt(x|x)
sqnorm2(x) squared L2 norm of x, same as (x|x)
normalize(x) normalization of x, same as rsqrt(sqnorm2(x)) * x
sqdist(x, y) Euclidean distance between x and y, same as sqnorm2(x - y)
weightedsqnorm(x, s) generic weighted squared euclidean norm of x, with weights stored in s (see details below)
weightedsqdist(x, y, s) generic weighted squared euclidean distance between x and y, same as weightedsqnorm(x - y, s)

Generic squared Euclidean norms support scalar weights, and diagonal or full (symmetric) weight matrices. If \(x\) is a vector of size \(n\), depending on the size of \(s\), weightedsqnorm(x, s) may refer to:

  • a weighted L2 norm \(s_0\displaystyle\sum_{i = 0}^{n - 1} x_i^2\) if \(s\) is a vector of size \(1\).
  • a separable norm \(\displaystyle\sum_{i = 0}^{n - 1} s_i x_i^2\) if \(s\) is a vector of size \(n\).
  • a full anisotropic norm \(\displaystyle\sum_{i,j\ =\ 0}^{n - 1} s_{in + j} x_i x_j\) if \(s\) is a vector of size \(n^2\) such that \(s_{in+j} = s_{jn+i}\) (i.e. stores a symmetric matrix).

Elementary dot products

Here, x and y are LazyTensors, and the result as well.

operation meaning
matvecmult(x, y) matrix-vector product x \(\times\) y: x is a vector interpreted as matrix (column-major), y is a vector
vecmatmult(x, y) vector-matrix product x \(\times\) y: x is a vector, y is a vector interpreted as matrix (column-major)
vecmatmult(x, y) vector-matrix product x \(\times\) y: x is a vector, y is a vector interpreted as matrix (column-major)
tensorprod(x, y) tensor product of vectors or matrices x and y

Constants and padding/concatenation operations

Here, x and y are LazyTensors, and s is a LazyTensor encoding a single value. In each case, the output is a LazyTensor.

operation meaning
sum(x) sum of the elements of x
max(x) max of the elements of x
min(x) min of the elements of x
argmax(x) argmax of the elements of x
argmin(x) argmin of the elements of x
elem(x, m) extract the m-th element x
elemT(s, m, n) insert s at position m in a LazyTensor encoding a vector of zeros of dimension n
extract(x, m, d) extract sub-vector or sub-matrix from x (m is the starting index, d is the inner dimension of the extracted sub-vector or sub-matrix)
extractT(x, m, d) insert x in a vector or a matrix of zeros, at starting position m - output has an inner dimension equal to d
concat(x, y) concatenation of x and y
one_hot(x, d) encodes a (rounded) scalar value as a one-hot vector of dimension d


Here, x and gradin are LazyTensors.

operation meaning
grad(x, gradin, red, var, "i") gradient of x with respect to the variable var and applied to gradin with compiling the corresponding reduction operator of opstr


Here, f is a combination of LazyTensors, indexed by i and j, and w is a LazyTensor.

The operations sum(), min(), argmin(), max() and argmax() can be called with NA index (default), in which case no reduction is done and the result is a LazyTensor (see Simple arithmetics and Elementary functions). Otherwise, the result is not a LazyTensor but an R array.

operation meaning mathematical expression
sum(f, "j")
sum_reduction(f, "j")
sum reduction indexed by j of the elements of f \(\sum_j f_{ij}\)
min(f, "j")
min_reduction(f, "j")
min reduction indexed by j of the elements of f \(\min_j f_{ij}\)
argmin(f, "j")
argmin_reduction(f, "j")
argmin reduction indexed by j of the elements of f \(\text{argmin}_j f_{ij}\)
min_argmin(f, "j")
min_argmin_reduction(f, "j")
min-argmin reduction indexed by j of the elements of f \(\left(\min_j f_{ij} ,\text{argmin}_j f_{ij}\right)\)
max(f, "j")
max_reduction(f, "j")
max reduction indexed by j of the elements of f \(\min_j f_{ij}\)
argmax(f, "j")
argmax_reduction(f, "j")
argmax reduction indexed by j of the elements of f \(\text{argmin}_j f_{ij}\)
max_argmax(f, "j")
max_argmax_reduction(f, "j")
max-argmax reduction indexed by j of the elements of f \(\left(\max_j f_{ij} ,\text{argmax}_j f_{ij}\right)\)
logsumexp(f, "j", w)
logsumexp_reduction(f, "j", w)
LogSumExp reduction, indexed by j of the elements of f, with weight stored in w \(\log\left(\sum_j\exp(f_{ij})\right)\)
sumsoftmaxweight(f, "j", w)
sumsoftmaxweight_reduction(f, "j", w)
“Sum of weighted Soft-Max” reduction indexed by j of the elements of f \(\left(\sum_j\exp(f_{ij})w_{ij}\right)/\left(\sum_j\exp(f_{ij})\right)\)

Special reduction

Here, x is a LazyTensor of inner dimension \(D\) and outer dimension \(M\), indexed by \(i \in \{1, \ldots ,M\}\), and y is a LazyTensor of inner dimension \(D\) and outer dimension \(N\), indexed by \(j \in \{1, \ldots ,N\}\).

operation meaning mathematical expression
x %*% y sum reduction of the product x * y indexed by j.
Same as sum_reduction(x * y, "j")
\(\sum_j x_{ik} y_{jk}, ~ k \in \{1, \ldots, N\}\)

Advices and random notes


You can use Vi, Vj and Pm aliases to create LazyTensors:

# Data
N <- 100
x <- matrix(runif(N * 3), nrow = N, ncol = 3) # arbitrary R matrix representing 
                                              # 100 data points in R^3
v <- runif(3, 0, 1)                           # arbitrary vector of length 3
s <- 0.1                                      # scale parameter

# Create symbolic object representing an arbitrary row of x, 
# indexed by the letter "i":
x_i <- LazyTensor(x, "i")   
# Same as
x_i <- Vi(x)

# Create symbolic object representing an arbitrary row of x, 
# indexed by the letter "j":
x_j <- LazyTensor(x, "j")
# Same as
x_j <- Vj(x)

# Create symbolic object representing the vector `v` above:
LT_v <- LazyTensor(v)
# Same as
LT_v <- Pm(v)

# Create symbolic object representing the scalar `s` above:
LT_s <- LazyTensor(s)
# Same as
LT_s <- Pm(s)

Type checking

You can check the “type” of your “object” and/or what kind of values it encodes.

D <- 3
M <- 100
x <- matrix(runif(M * D), M, D)   # matrix of real values
x_i <- LazyTensor(x, index = 'i')
p <- LazyTensor(runif(3, 0, 1))   # LazyTensor encoding a fixed vector of real values
l <- LazyTensor(314)              # LazyTensor encoding a fixed scalar parameter
z <- matrix(1i^(-6:5), nrow = 4)  # matrix of complex values
z_i <- LazyTensor(z, index = 'i', is_complex = TRUE)

scal <- 3.14
cplx <- 2 + 3i
scal_LT <- LazyTensor(scal)
cplx_LT <- LazyTensor(cplx)

# check types





Note that the examples above are rudimentary, but this can become very handy when dealing with more complex expressions.

The IntCst type

When a single integer value n is encoded as a LazyTensor, its formula is simply "IntCst(n)", which contains all the necessary information, and the args and data attributes remain empty to avoid useless storage.

Duplicate items in expressions

When the same LazyTensor variable, indexed the same way, is used several times in an expression, it will only appear once in the args and data attributes to avoid useless storage. Of course all its instances remain in the formula attribute.