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Log-Sum-Exp reduction for LazyTensor objects.


logsumexp(x, index, weight = NULL)

logsumexp_reduction(x, index, weight = NULL)



a LazyTensor or a ComplexLazyTensor.


a character corresponding to the reduction dimension that should be either "i" or "j" to specify whether if the reduction is indexed by "i" or "j".


an optional object (LazyTensor or ComplexLazyTensor) that specifies scalar or vector-valued weights. NULL by default and not used.


a matrix corresponding to the Log-Sum-Exp reduction.


If x is a LazyTensor or a ComplexLazyTensor, logsumexp(x, index, weight) will:

  • if index = "i", return the Log-Sum-Exp reduction of x over the i indexes;

  • if index = "j", return the Log-Sum-Exp reduction of x over the j indexes.

Note: Run browseVignettes("rkeops") to access the vignettes and find details about this function in the "RKeOps LazyTensor" vignette, at section "Reductions".


Chloe Serre-Combe, Amelie Vernay


if (FALSE) {
x <- matrix(runif(150 * 3), 150, 3) 
x_i <- LazyTensor(x, index = 'i') 
y <- matrix(runif(100 * 3), 100, 3)
y_j <- LazyTensor(y, index = 'j')
w <- matrix(runif(100 * 3), 100, 3) # weight LazyTensor
w_j <- LazyTensor(w, index = 'j')

S_ij = sum((x_i - y_j)^2)                                           
logsumexp_xw <- logsumexp(S_ij, 'i', w_j) # logsumexp reduction 
                                          # over the 'i' indices
logsumexp_x <- logsumexp(S_ij, 'i')      # logsumexp reduction without
                                         # weight over the 'i' indices
if (FALSE) {
x <- matrix(runif(150 * 3), 150, 3) 
x_i <- LazyTensor(x, index = 'i') 
y <- matrix(runif(100 * 3), 100, 3)
y_j <- LazyTensor(y, index = 'j')
w <- matrix(runif(150 * 3), 150, 3) # weight LazyTensor
w_j <- LazyTensor(y, index = 'j')

S_ij = sum( (x_i - y_j)^2 )                                           
logsumexp_xw <- logsumexp_reduction(S_ij, 'i', w_j) # logsumexp reduction 
                                                    # over the 'i' indices
logsumexp_x <- logsumexp_reduction(S_ij, 'i')  # logsumexp reduction without
                                               # weight over the 'i' indices