Concatenation of two LazyTensor
or ComplexLazyTensor
a LazyTensor
or a ComplexLazyTensor
that encodes, symbolically,
the concatenation of x
and y
along their inner dimension.
If x
and y
are two LazyTensor
or ComplexLazyTensor
concat(x, y)
encodes, symbolically, the concatenation of x
and y
their inner dimension.
if (FALSE) {
x <- matrix(runif(150 * 3), 150, 3) # arbitrary R matrix, 150 rows, 3 columns
y <- matrix(runif(250 * 3), 250, 3) # arbitrary R matrix, 250 rows, 3 columns
x_i <- LazyTensor(x, index = 'i') # LazyTensor from matrix x, indexed by 'i'
y_j <- LazyTensor(y, index = 'j') # LazyTensor from matrix x, indexed by 'j'
concat_xy <- concat(x_i, y_j)