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K-Min-arg-K-min reduction for LazyTensor objects.


Kmin_argKmin(x, K, index)

Kmin_argKmin_reduction(x, K, index)



a LazyTensor or a ComplexLazyTensor.


An integer corresponding to the number of minimal values required.


A character corresponding to the reduction dimension that should be either i or j to specify whether if the reduction is indexed by i (rows) or j (columns).


A matrix corresponding to the Kmin-argKmin reduction.


If x is a LazyTensor or a ComplexLazyTensor, Kmin_argKmin(x, K, index) will:

  • if index = i, return the K minimal values of x (i.e. Kmin) and the corresponding indexes over the i indices.

  • if index = j, return the K minimal values of x and its indices over the j indices (columns).

Note: Run browseVignettes("rkeops") to access the vignettes and find details about this function in the "RKeOps LazyTensor" vignette, at section "Reductions".


Chloe Serre-Combe, Amelie Vernay


if (FALSE) {
x <- matrix(runif(150 * 3), 150, 3) # arbitrary R matrix, 150 rows, 3 columns
x_i <- LazyTensor(x, index = 'i')   # creating LazyTensor from matrix x, 
                                    # indexed by 'i'
K <- 2
k_argk_x <- Kmin_argKmin(x_i, K, "i")  # Kmin-argKmin reduction 
                                       # indexed by 'i'

if (FALSE) {
x <- matrix(runif(150 * 3), 150, 3) # arbitrary R matrix, 150 rows, 3 columns
x_i <- LazyTensor(x, index = 'i')   # LazyTensor from matrix x, 
                                    # indexed by 'i'

K <- 2
k_argk_x <- Kmin_argKmin_reduction(x_i, K, "i")  # Kmin-argKmin reduction 
                                                 # over the "i" indices