Go to the end to download the full example code
Arg-K-Min reduction
Using the pykeops.numpy
API, we define a dataset of N points in \(\mathbb R^D\) and compute for each
point the indices of its K nearest neighbours (including itself).
Standard imports:
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pykeops.numpy import Genred
Define our dataset:
N = 100000 # Number of points
D = 2 # Dimension of the ambient space
K = 3 # Number of neighbors to look for
dtype = "float32" # May be 'float32' or 'float64'
x = np.random.rand(N, D).astype(dtype)
KeOps Kernel
formula = "SqDist(x,y)" # Use a simple Euclidean (squared) norm
variables = [
"x = Vi(" + str(D) + ")", # First arg : i-variable, of size D
"y = Vj(" + str(D) + ")",
] # Second arg: j-variable, of size D
# N.B.: The number K is specified as an optional argument `opt_arg`
my_routine = Genred(formula, variables, reduction_op="ArgKMin", axis=1, opt_arg=K)
Using our new pykeops.numpy.Genred
we perform a K-nearest neighbor search ( reduction_op = "ArgKMin"
over the \(j\) variable \(y_j\) ( axis = 1):
If CUDA is available and backend is "auto"
or not specified,
KeOps will:
Load the data on the GPU
Perform the computation on the device
Unload the result back to the CPU
as it is assumed to be most efficient for large-scale problems.
By specifying backend = "CPU"
in the call to my_routine
you can bypass this procedure and use a simple C++ for
loop instead.
# Dummy first call to warm-up the GPU and thus get an accurate timing:
my_routine(np.random.rand(10, D).astype(dtype), np.random.rand(10, D).astype(dtype))
# Actually perform our K-nn search:
start = time.time()
ind = my_routine(x, x, backend="auto")
print("Time to perform the K-nn search: ", round(time.time() - start, 5), "s")
# The result is now an (N,K) array of integers:
print("Output values :")
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
plt.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], s=25 * 500 / len(x))
for k in range(K): # Highlight some points and their nearest neighbors
plt.scatter(x[ind[:4, k], 0], x[ind[:4, k], 1], s=100)
plt.axis([0, 1, 0, 1])

Time to perform the K-nn search: 0.01224 s
Output values :
[[ 0 85451 84883]
[ 1 15253 82984]
[ 2 49132 1322]
[99997 88760 65355]
[99998 71633 83188]
[99999 70869 99572]]
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.243 seconds)