Generic reductions
A low-level interface for KeOps is provided by the Genred
module, which allows users to define and reduce generic mathematical formulas. Depending on the framework, we can import Genred
using either:
from pykeops.numpy import Genred # for NumPy users, or...
from pykeops.torch import Genred # for PyTorch users.
In both cases, Genred
is a class with no methods: its instantiation simply returns a numerical function that can be called on numerical arrays.
takes as input a collection of strings that specify the desired computation. It returns a python function or PyTorch layer, callable on numpy arrays or torch tensors. The syntax is:
my_red = Genred(formula, aliases, reduction_op='Sum', axis=0, dtype='float32')
Call: The variable
now refers to a callable object, wrapped around a set of custom CUDA routines. It can be used on any collection of arrays (either NumPy arrays or Torch tensors) that have the correct shapes, as described in thealiases
result = my_red(arg_1, arg_2, ..., arg_p, backend='auto', device_id=-1, ranges=None)
See the numpy.Genred
or torch.Genred
API documentations for a complete description of the syntax at instantiation and call times.
An example
Using the generic syntax, computing a Gaussian-RBF kernel product:
can be done with:
import torch
from pykeops.torch import Genred
# Notice that the parameter gamma is a dim-1 vector, *not* a scalar:
gamma = torch.tensor([.5])
# Generate the data as pytorch tensors. If you intend to compute gradients, don't forget the `requires_grad` flag!
x = torch.randn(1000,3)
y = torch.randn(2000,3)
b = torch.randn(2000,2)
gaussian_conv = Genred('Exp(-G * SqDist(X,Y)) * B', # F(g,x,y,b) = exp( -g*|x-y|^2 ) * b
['G = Pm(1)', # First arg is a parameter, of dim 1
'X = Vi(3)', # Second arg is indexed by "i", of dim 3
'Y = Vj(3)', # Third arg is indexed by "j", of dim 3
'B = Vj(2)'], # Fourth arg is indexed by "j", of dim 2
axis=1) # Summation over "j"
# N.B.: a.shape == [1000, 2]
a = gaussian_conv(gamma, x, y, b)
# By explicitly specifying the backend, you can try to optimize your pipeline:
a = gaussian_conv(gamma, x, y, b, backend='GPU')
a = gaussian_conv(gamma, x, y, b, backend='CPU')
More examples can be found in our gallery.