- Utilities.sampling.deformed_intensities(deformed_points, intensities, extent)[source]¶
Sample an image from a tensor of deformed points. Taken and adapted from
- Utilities.sampling.deformed_intensities3d(deformed_points, intensities, affine)[source]¶
Sample a 3D image from a tensor of deformed points. Taken and adapted from
- Utilities.sampling.interpolate_image(image, size=None, scale_factor=None, mode='nearest', align_corners=None, recompute_scale_factor=None)[source]¶
Simple wrapper around torch.nn.functional.interpolate() for 2D images.
- Utilities.sampling.load_and_sample_greyscale(filename, threshold=0.0, centered=False, normalise_weights=True)[source]¶
Load a greyscale and sample points from it.
- Utilities.sampling.load_greyscale_image(filename, origin='lower', dtype=None, device=None)[source]¶
Load grescale image from disk as an array of normalised float values.
- Parameters
filename (str) – Filename of the image to load.
dtype (torch.dtype) – dtype of the returned image tensor.
device (torch.device) – Device on which the image tensor will be loaded.
- Returns
[width, height] shaped tensor representing the loaded image.
- Return type
- Utilities.sampling.sample_from_greyscale(image, threshold, centered=False, normalise_weights=False, normalise_position=True)[source]¶
- Sample points from a greyscale image.
Points are defined as a (position, weight) tuple.
- imagetorch.Tensor
Tensor of shape [width, height] representing the image from which we will sample the points.
- thresholdfloat
Minimum pixel value (i.e. point weight).
- centeredbool, default=False
If true, center the sampled points.
- normalise_weightsbool, default=False
If true, normalise weight values, such that :math:’lpha_i =
- rac{lpha_i}{sum_k lpha_k}’
- normalise_positionbool, default=True
If true, normalise point position such that all points live in the unit square.
- torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor
Two tensors representing point position (of shape [N, dim]) and weight (of shape [N]), in this order, with :math:’N’ the number of points.