Source code for Utilities.sampling

import math

import matplotlib.image
import torch

from imodal.Utilities.usefulfunctions import points2pixels, points2voxels_affine
from imodal.Utilities.aabb import AABB

[docs]def load_greyscale_image(filename, origin='lower', dtype=None, device=None): """Load grescale image from disk as an array of normalised float values. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename of the image to load. dtype : torch.dtype dtype of the returned image tensor. device : torch.device Device on which the image tensor will be loaded. Returns ------- torch.Tensor [width, height] shaped tensor representing the loaded image. """ if origin != 'upper' and origin != 'lower': raise RuntimeError("Origin type {origin} not implemented!".format(origin=origin)) def _set_origin(bitmap, origin): if origin == 'upper': return bitmap else: return bitmap.flip(0) image = matplotlib.image.imread(filename) if(image.ndim == 2): return _set_origin(torch.tensor(1. - image, dtype=dtype, device=device), origin) elif(image.ndim == 3): return _set_origin(torch.tensor(1. - image[:, :, 0], dtype=dtype, device=device), origin) else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def sample_from_greyscale(image, threshold, centered=False, normalise_weights=False, normalise_position=True): """Sample points from a greyscale image. Points are defined as a (position, weight) tuple. Parameters ---------- image : torch.Tensor Tensor of shape [width, height] representing the image from which we will sample the points. threshold : float Minimum pixel value (i.e. point weight). centered : bool, default=False If true, center the sampled points. normalise_weights : bool, default=False If true, normalise weight values, such that :math:'\alpha_i = \frac{\alpha_i}{\sum_k \alpha_k}' normalise_position : bool, default=True If true, normalise point position such that all points live in the unit square. Returns ------- torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor Two tensors representing point position (of shape [N, dim]) and weight (of shape [N]), in this order, with :math:'N' the number of points. """ # Compute number of output points length = torch.sum(image >= threshold) pos = torch.zeros([length, 2]) alpha = torch.zeros([length]) width_weight = 1. height_weight = 1. if(normalise_position): width_weight = 1./image.shape[0] height_weight = 1./image.shape[1] count = 0 pixels = AABB(0., image.shape[0], 0, image.shape[1]).fill_count(image.shape) for pixel in pixels: pixel_value = image[math.floor(pixel[0]), math.floor(pixel[1])] if pixel_value < threshold: continue pos[count] = pixel alpha[count] = pixel_value count = count + 1 if(centered): pos = pos - torch.mean(pos, dim=0) if(normalise_weights): alpha = alpha/torch.sum(alpha) return pos, alpha
[docs]def load_and_sample_greyscale(filename, threshold=0., centered=False, normalise_weights=True): """Load a greyscale and sample points from it.""" image = load_greyscale_image(filename) return sample_from_greyscale(image, threshold, centered, normalise_weights)
[docs]def mask_to_indices(mask): indices = torch.meshgrid([torch.arange(size) for size in mask.shape]) return torch.stack([indice[mask] for indice in indices]).T
[docs]def deformed_intensities(deformed_points, intensities, extent): """ Sample an image from a tensor of deformed points. Taken and adapted from """ uv = points2pixels(deformed_points, intensities.shape, extent) u, v = uv[:, 0], uv[:, 1] u1, v1 = torch.floor(uv[:, 0]).long(), torch.floor(uv[:, 1]).long() u1 = torch.clamp(u1, 0, int(intensities.shape[0]) - 1) v1 = torch.clamp(v1, 0, int(intensities.shape[1]) - 1) u2 = torch.clamp(u1 + 1, 0, int(intensities.shape[0]) - 1) v2 = torch.clamp(v1 + 1, 0, int(intensities.shape[1]) - 1) fu = u - u1.type(torch.get_default_dtype()) fv = v - v1.type(torch.get_default_dtype()) gu = (u1 + 1).type(torch.get_default_dtype()) - u gv = (v1 + 1).type(torch.get_default_dtype()) - v return (intensities[u1, v1] * gu * gv + intensities[u1, v2] * gu * fv + intensities[u2, v1] * fu * gv + intensities[u2, v2] * fu * fv).view(intensities.shape)
[docs]def deformed_intensities3d(deformed_points, intensities, affine): """ Sample a 3D image from a tensor of deformed points. Taken and adapted from """ uvw = points2voxels_affine(deformed_points, intensities.shape, affine) u, v, w = uvw[:, 0], uvw[:, 1], uvw[:, 2] u1 = torch.floor(uvw[:, 0]).long() v1 = torch.floor(uvw[:, 1]).long() w1 = torch.floor(uvw[:, 2]).long() u1 = torch.clamp(u1, 0, int(intensities.shape[0]) - 1) v1 = torch.clamp(v1, 0, int(intensities.shape[1]) - 1) w1 = torch.clamp(w1, 0, int(intensities.shape[2]) - 1) u2 = torch.clamp(u1 + 1, 0, int(intensities.shape[0]) - 1) v2 = torch.clamp(v1 + 1, 0, int(intensities.shape[1]) - 1) w2 = torch.clamp(w1 + 1, 0, int(intensities.shape[2]) - 1) fu = u - u1.type(torch.get_default_dtype()) fv = v - v1.type(torch.get_default_dtype()) fw = w - w1.type(torch.get_default_dtype()) gu = (u1 + 1).type(torch.get_default_dtype()) - u gv = (v1 + 1).type(torch.get_default_dtype()) - v gw = (w1 + 1).type(torch.get_default_dtype()) - w return (intensities[u1, v1, w1] * gu * gv * gw + intensities[u1, v1, w2] * gu * gv * fw + intensities[u1, v2, w1] * gu * fv * gw + intensities[u1, v2, w2] * gu * fv * fw + intensities[u2, v1, w1] * fu * gv * gw + intensities[u2, v1, w2] * fu * gv * fw + intensities[u2, v2, w1] * fu * fv * gw + intensities[u2, v2, w2] * fu * fv * fw).view(intensities.shape)
[docs]def interpolate_image(image, size=None, scale_factor=None, mode='nearest', align_corners=None, recompute_scale_factor=None): """ Simple wrapper around torch.nn.functional.interpolate() for 2D images. """ interpolated = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(image.view((1, 1) + image.shape), size=size, scale_factor=scale_factor, mode=mode, align_corners=align_corners) return interpolated.view(interpolated.shape[2:])