Scaling up multi-head attention layers

Let’s compare the performances of PyTorch and KeOps for simple attention computations, with an increasing number of tokens, attention heads and embedding features.


import numpy as np
import torch
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from functools import partial
from benchmark_utils import flatten, random_normal, full_benchmark

from torch.nn import MultiheadAttention as MultiheadAttention_torch
from pykeops.torch import MultiheadAttention as MultiheadAttention_keops

use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()

Benchmark specifications:

# Sequence lengths that we'll loop upon:
problem_sizes = [2 ** k for k in range(8, 18)]

Synthetic data:

def generate_sequences(
    target_source_len, embed_dim=1, device="cuda", lang="torch", batchsize=1, **kwargs
    """Generates query, key and value arrays.

        target_source_len (int): length of the target and source sequences.
        embed_dim (int): dimension of the feature vectors. Default to 1.
        device (str, optional): "cuda", "cpu", etc. Defaults to "cuda".
        lang (str, optional): "torch", "numpy", etc. Defaults to "torch".
        batchsize (int, optional): number of experiments to run in parallel. Defaults to 1.

        3-uple of arrays: query, key, value
    randn = random_normal(device=device, lang=lang)
    target_len = target_source_len
    source_len = target_source_len

    if callable(batchsize):
        batchsize = batchsize(target_source_len)

    query = randn((target_len, batchsize, embed_dim))
    key = randn((source_len, batchsize, embed_dim))
    value = randn((source_len, batchsize, embed_dim))

    return query, key, value

Our main experiment: benchmark the forward and forward+backward passes through the multi-head attention layer using both PyTorch and KeOps backends.

def run_experiment(embed_dim=1, num_heads=1):

    generate_samples = partial(generate_sequences, embed_dim=embed_dim)

    # To best saturate our GPU, we use batch sizes that are (approximately)
    # "as large as possible" without throwing a memory overflow.
    # To take into account the wide variations of memory footprint between
    # different implementations, we specify this parameter through
    # "lists" of values for increasing sequence lengths:
    batchmems_torch = {
        2 ** 7: 2 ** 15,
        2 ** 8: 2 ** 14,
        2 ** 9: 2 ** 12,
        2 ** 10: 2 ** 8,
    batchmems_keops = {
        2 ** 7: 2 ** 20,
        2 ** 8: 2 ** 19,
        2 ** 9: 2 ** 18,
        2 ** 10: 2 ** 17,
        2 ** 11: 2 ** 12,
        2 ** 12: 2 ** 11,
        2 ** 13: 2 ** 10,
        2 ** 14: 2 ** 9,
        2 ** 15: 2 ** 8,
        2 ** 16: 2 ** 7,
    batchmems_nystroem = {
        2 ** 7: 2 ** 13,
        2 ** 8: 2 ** 13,
        2 ** 9: 2 ** 13,
        2 ** 10: 2 ** 12,
        2 ** 11: 2 ** 11,
        2 ** 12: 2 ** 10,
        2 ** 13: 2 ** 9,
        2 ** 14: 2 ** 8,
        2 ** 15: 2 ** 7,

    def batchsize_fun(n, batchmems=batchmems_torch, multiplier=4, **kwargs):
        batchmem = batchmems.get(n, 1)
        if batchmem <= multiplier * embed_dim:
            batchsize = 1
            batchsize = batchmem // (multiplier * embed_dim)
        return batchsize

    batchsize_torch = partial(batchsize_fun, batchmems=batchmems_torch)
    batchsize_keops = partial(batchsize_fun, batchmems=batchmems_keops)
    batchsize_nystroem_64 = partial(batchsize_fun, batchmems=batchmems_nystroem)
    batchsize_nystroem_256 = partial(
        batchsize_fun, batchmems=batchmems_nystroem, multiplier=16

    def attention(
        query, key, value, use_keops=False, backward=True, landmarks=None, **kwargs

        if landmarks is None and not use_keops:
            layer = MultiheadAttention_torch(embed_dim, num_heads)
            layer = MultiheadAttention_keops(
                embed_dim, num_heads, lazy=use_keops, landmarks=landmarks

        if use_cuda:
            layer = layer.cuda()

        def to_call(query, key, value, **kwargs):
            if backward:
                query.requires_grad = True
                key.requires_grad = True
                value.requires_grad = True

                out, _ = layer(query, key, value)
                return out

                return layer(query, key, value)

        return to_call

    routines = [
                "batchsize": batchsize_torch,
                "use_keops": False,
            "PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 256)",
                "batchsize": batchsize_nystroem_256,
                "use_keops": False,
                "landmarks": 256,
            "PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 64)",
                "batchsize": batchsize_nystroem_64,
                "use_keops": False,
                "landmarks": 64,
                "batchsize": batchsize_keops,
                "use_keops": True,
            "KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 256)",
                "batchsize": batchsize_nystroem_256,
                "use_keops": True,
                "landmarks": 256,
            "KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 64)",
                "batchsize": batchsize_nystroem_64,
                "use_keops": True,
                "landmarks": 64,

        f"Multi-head attention (forward+backward, embed_dim={embed_dim},n_heads={num_heads},heads_dim={embed_dim//num_heads})",
        loops=[10, 1],
        xlabel="Sequence length",

Embeddings of dimension 64

Embedding of dimension 64 = 64 heads of dimension 1.

run_experiment(embed_dim=64, num_heads=64)
Multi-head attention (forward+backward, embed_dim=64,n_heads=64,heads_dim=1)


Benchmarking : Multi-head attention (forward+backward, embed_dim=64,n_heads=64,heads_dim=1) ===============================
PyTorch -------------
 64x 10 loops of size  256 :  64x 10x 505.1 µs
 16x 10 loops of size  512 :  16x 10x   2.0 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x   8.3 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  31.3 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 4.00 GiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 8.07 GiB already allocated; 1.65 GiB free; 8.07 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 256) -------------
  8x 10 loops of size  256 :   8x 10x  20.7 ms
  8x 10 loops of size  512 :   8x 10x  22.0 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   1 k:   4x 10x  25.7 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   2 k:   2x 10x  32.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  46.8 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  71.8 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 1024.00 MiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 7.65 GiB already allocated; 678.56 MiB free; 9.06 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 64) -------------
 32x 10 loops of size  256 :  32x 10x   1.3 ms
 32x 10 loops of size  512 :  32x 10x   1.6 ms
 16x 10 loops of size   1 k:  16x 10x   2.4 ms
  8x 10 loops of size   2 k:   8x 10x   4.0 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   4 k:   4x 10x   7.2 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   8 k:   2x 10x  14.8 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  29.8 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 163.9 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 279.9 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 2.00 GiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 8.29 GiB already allocated; 640.56 MiB free; 9.10 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
KeOps -------------
2048x 10 loops of size  256 : 2048x 10x 144.7 µs
1024x 10 loops of size  512 : 1024x 10x 286.5 µs
512x 10 loops of size   1 k: 512x 10x 701.5 µs
 16x 10 loops of size   2 k:  16x 10x   2.3 ms
  8x 10 loops of size   4 k:   8x 10x   7.9 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   8 k:   4x 10x  29.0 ms
  2x 10 loops of size  16 k:   2x 10x 110.1 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  33 k:   1x  1x 428.1 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x    1.7 s
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x    6.7 s
KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 256) -------------
  8x 10 loops of size  256 :   8x 10x  20.6 ms
  8x 10 loops of size  512 :   8x 10x  20.7 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   1 k:   4x 10x  22.6 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   2 k:   2x 10x  26.6 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  33.2 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  35.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  39.6 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 160.8 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 409.3 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 441.4 ms
KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 64) -------------
 32x 10 loops of size  256 :  32x 10x   1.5 ms
 32x 10 loops of size  512 :  32x 10x   1.5 ms
 16x 10 loops of size   1 k:  16x 10x   2.0 ms
  8x 10 loops of size   2 k:   8x 10x   3.1 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   4 k:   4x 10x   5.9 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   8 k:   2x 10x  11.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  30.8 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 148.4 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 378.4 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 415.6 ms

Embedding of dimension 64 = 16 heads of dimension 4.

run_experiment(embed_dim=64, num_heads=16)
Multi-head attention (forward+backward, embed_dim=64,n_heads=16,heads_dim=4)


Benchmarking : Multi-head attention (forward+backward, embed_dim=64,n_heads=16,heads_dim=4) ===============================
PyTorch -------------
 64x 10 loops of size  256 :  64x 10x 196.3 µs
 16x 10 loops of size  512 :  16x 10x 695.3 µs
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x   3.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  10.4 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  40.2 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 4.00 GiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 8.27 GiB already allocated; 678.56 MiB free; 9.06 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 256) -------------
  8x 10 loops of size  256 :   8x 10x   5.9 ms
  8x 10 loops of size  512 :   8x 10x   6.4 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   1 k:   4x 10x   8.1 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   2 k:   2x 10x  10.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  17.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  26.2 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  43.4 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 191.1 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 476.0 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 2.00 GiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 8.40 GiB already allocated; 678.56 MiB free; 9.06 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 64) -------------
 32x 10 loops of size  256 :  32x 10x 647.6 µs
 32x 10 loops of size  512 :  32x 10x 605.0 µs
 16x 10 loops of size   1 k:  16x 10x   1.0 ms
  8x 10 loops of size   2 k:   8x 10x   1.8 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   4 k:   4x 10x   3.7 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   8 k:   2x 10x   8.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  24.4 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 153.5 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 414.7 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 468.1 ms
KeOps -------------
2048x 10 loops of size  256 : 2048x 10x  51.6 µs
1024x 10 loops of size  512 : 1024x 10x 111.4 µs
512x 10 loops of size   1 k: 512x 10x 316.3 µs
 16x 10 loops of size   2 k:  16x 10x   1.3 ms
  8x 10 loops of size   4 k:   8x 10x   4.1 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   8 k:   4x 10x  14.9 ms
  2x 10 loops of size  16 k:   2x 10x  55.6 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 213.8 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 819.3 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x    3.2 s
KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 256) -------------
  8x 10 loops of size  256 :   8x 10x   6.5 ms
  8x 10 loops of size  512 :   8x 10x   6.8 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   1 k:   4x 10x   9.4 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   2 k:   2x 10x  15.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  29.4 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  30.2 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  32.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 144.1 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 394.6 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 329.8 ms
KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 64) -------------
 32x 10 loops of size  256 :  32x 10x 784.6 µs
 32x 10 loops of size  512 :  32x 10x 721.9 µs
 16x 10 loops of size   1 k:  16x 10x   1.4 ms
  8x 10 loops of size   2 k:   8x 10x   2.7 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   4 k:   4x 10x   6.9 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   8 k:   2x 10x  12.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  24.6 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 139.9 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 356.0 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 368.7 ms

Embedding of dimension 64 = 1 head of dimension 64.

run_experiment(embed_dim=64, num_heads=1)
Multi-head attention (forward+backward, embed_dim=64,n_heads=1,heads_dim=64)


Benchmarking : Multi-head attention (forward+backward, embed_dim=64,n_heads=1,heads_dim=64) ===============================
PyTorch -------------
 64x 10 loops of size  256 :  64x 10x  50.6 µs
 16x 10 loops of size  512 :  16x 10x 225.3 µs
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x   4.2 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x   3.0 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x   4.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  13.3 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  55.5 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 4.00 GiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 8.06 GiB already allocated; 1.66 GiB free; 8.06 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 256) -------------
  8x 10 loops of size  256 :   8x 10x   1.8 ms
  8x 10 loops of size  512 :   8x 10x   1.8 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   1 k:   4x 10x   3.5 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   2 k:   2x 10x   8.4 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  22.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  23.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  21.6 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 121.7 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 363.4 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 369.8 ms
PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 64) -------------
 32x 10 loops of size  256 :  32x 10x 802.6 µs
 32x 10 loops of size  512 :  32x 10x 687.2 µs
 16x 10 loops of size   1 k:  16x 10x   1.5 ms
  8x 10 loops of size   2 k:   8x 10x   3.0 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   4 k:   4x 10x   5.6 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   8 k:   2x 10x  12.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  26.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 123.8 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 340.3 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 353.6 ms
KeOps -------------
2048x 10 loops of size  256 : 2048x 10x  51.0 µs
1024x 10 loops of size  512 : 1024x 10x 148.6 µs
512x 10 loops of size   1 k: 512x 10x 473.4 µs
 16x 10 loops of size   2 k:  16x 10x   2.3 ms
  8x 10 loops of size   4 k:   8x 10x   8.0 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   8 k:   4x 10x  28.7 ms
  2x 10 loops of size  16 k:   2x 10x 108.8 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  33 k:   1x  1x 422.2 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x    1.6 s
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x    6.3 s
KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 256) -------------
  8x 10 loops of size  256 :   8x 10x   4.8 ms
  8x 10 loops of size  512 :   8x 10x   4.8 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   1 k:   4x 10x   8.0 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   2 k:   2x 10x  14.6 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  30.6 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  31.8 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  35.0 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 149.6 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 393.2 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 350.1 ms
KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 64) -------------
 32x 10 loops of size  256 :  32x 10x   1.2 ms
 32x 10 loops of size  512 :  32x 10x   1.1 ms
 16x 10 loops of size   1 k:  16x 10x   1.7 ms
  8x 10 loops of size   2 k:   8x 10x   3.2 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   4 k:   4x 10x   5.8 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   8 k:   2x 10x  12.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  24.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 142.3 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 310.9 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 412.0 ms

Embeddings of dimension 256

Embedding of dimension 256 = 64 heads of dimension 4.

run_experiment(embed_dim=256, num_heads=64)
Multi-head attention (forward+backward, embed_dim=256,n_heads=64,heads_dim=4)


Benchmarking : Multi-head attention (forward+backward, embed_dim=256,n_heads=64,heads_dim=4) ===============================
PyTorch -------------
 16x 10 loops of size  256 :  16x 10x 808.4 µs
  4x 10 loops of size  512 :   4x 10x   2.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x  10.6 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  40.1 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 4.00 GiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 8.10 GiB already allocated; 1.60 GiB free; 8.13 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 256) -------------
  2x 10 loops of size  256 :   2x 10x  24.1 ms
  2x 10 loops of size  512 :   2x 10x  25.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x  32.5 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  39.5 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  52.6 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  82.6 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 1024.00 MiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 7.78 GiB already allocated; 612.56 MiB free; 9.13 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 64) -------------
  8x 10 loops of size  256 :   8x 10x   2.1 ms
  8x 10 loops of size  512 :   8x 10x   2.4 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   1 k:   4x 10x   4.2 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   2 k:   2x 10x   7.4 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  14.4 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  22.3 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  39.8 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 186.4 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 444.2 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 2.00 GiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 9.04 GiB already allocated; 702.56 MiB free; 9.04 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
KeOps -------------
512x 10 loops of size  256 : 512x 10x 211.9 µs
256x 10 loops of size  512 : 256x 10x 478.5 µs
128x 10 loops of size   1 k: 128x 10x   1.4 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   2 k:   4x 10x   5.1 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   4 k:   2x 10x  16.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  59.8 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x 217.4 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  33 k:   1x  1x 835.9 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x    3.3 s
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x   13.2 s
** Too slow!
KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 256) -------------
  2x 10 loops of size  256 :   2x 10x  26.3 ms
  2x 10 loops of size  512 :   2x 10x  26.5 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x  32.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  34.0 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  35.5 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  39.2 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  47.5 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 177.2 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 447.0 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 496.6 ms
KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 64) -------------
  8x 10 loops of size  256 :   8x 10x   3.4 ms
  8x 10 loops of size  512 :   8x 10x   3.6 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   1 k:   4x 10x   6.4 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   2 k:   2x 10x  11.5 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  27.8 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  28.5 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  35.6 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 143.2 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 324.5 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 457.2 ms

Embedding of dimension 256 = 16 heads of dimension 16.

run_experiment(embed_dim=256, num_heads=16)
Multi-head attention (forward+backward, embed_dim=256,n_heads=16,heads_dim=16)


Benchmarking : Multi-head attention (forward+backward, embed_dim=256,n_heads=16,heads_dim=16) ===============================
PyTorch -------------
 16x 10 loops of size  256 :  16x 10x 292.4 µs
  4x 10 loops of size  512 :   4x 10x   1.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x   4.6 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  12.0 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  41.7 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 4.00 GiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 8.32 GiB already allocated; 742.56 MiB free; 9.00 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 256) -------------
  2x 10 loops of size  256 :   2x 10x   8.4 ms
  2x 10 loops of size  512 :   2x 10x   8.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x  13.2 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  14.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  18.5 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  27.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  46.0 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 197.6 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 1024.00 MiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 7.84 GiB already allocated; 740.56 MiB free; 9.00 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 64) -------------
  8x 10 loops of size  256 :   8x 10x   1.7 ms
  8x 10 loops of size  512 :   8x 10x   1.6 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   1 k:   4x 10x   3.2 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   2 k:   2x 10x   6.8 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  13.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  14.8 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  26.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 157.8 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 412.4 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 508.2 ms
KeOps -------------
512x 10 loops of size  256 : 512x 10x 174.8 µs
256x 10 loops of size  512 : 256x 10x 425.6 µs
128x 10 loops of size   1 k: 128x 10x   1.3 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   2 k:   4x 10x   5.1 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   4 k:   2x 10x  17.4 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  62.2 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x 220.1 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  33 k:   1x  1x 829.4 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x    3.3 s
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x   13.0 s
** Too slow!
KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 256) -------------
  2x 10 loops of size  256 :   2x 10x  13.0 ms
  2x 10 loops of size  512 :   2x 10x  13.0 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x  27.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  28.5 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  29.0 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  30.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  37.5 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 159.3 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 419.6 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 472.1 ms
KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 64) -------------
  8x 10 loops of size  256 :   8x 10x   2.5 ms
  8x 10 loops of size  512 :   8x 10x   2.8 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   1 k:   4x 10x   7.9 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   2 k:   2x 10x  12.8 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  23.8 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  25.6 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  29.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 152.0 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 400.6 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 441.6 ms

Embedding of dimension 256 = 4 heads of dimension 64.

run_experiment(embed_dim=256, num_heads=4)
Multi-head attention (forward+backward, embed_dim=256,n_heads=4,heads_dim=64)


Benchmarking : Multi-head attention (forward+backward, embed_dim=256,n_heads=4,heads_dim=64) ===============================
PyTorch -------------
 16x 10 loops of size  256 :  16x 10x 258.7 µs
  4x 10 loops of size  512 :   4x 10x 768.8 µs
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x   3.0 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x   4.6 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  13.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  54.1 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 1024.00 MiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 8.13 GiB already allocated; 742.56 MiB free; 9.00 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 256) -------------
  2x 10 loops of size  256 :   2x 10x   6.8 ms
  2x 10 loops of size  512 :   2x 10x   6.6 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x  13.4 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  14.4 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  16.3 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  17.6 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  32.8 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 163.5 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 430.9 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 521.4 ms
PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 64) -------------
  8x 10 loops of size  256 :   8x 10x   1.7 ms
  8x 10 loops of size  512 :   8x 10x   1.7 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   1 k:   4x 10x   3.4 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   2 k:   2x 10x   6.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  13.5 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  13.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  24.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 152.8 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 408.9 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 482.9 ms
KeOps -------------
512x 10 loops of size  256 : 512x 10x 220.4 µs
256x 10 loops of size  512 : 256x 10x 638.1 µs
128x 10 loops of size   1 k: 128x 10x   2.0 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   2 k:   4x 10x   8.7 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   4 k:   2x 10x  30.3 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x 113.8 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  16 k:   1x  1x 416.4 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  33 k:   1x  1x    1.6 s
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x    6.4 s
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x   25.4 s
** Too slow!
KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 256) -------------
  2x 10 loops of size  256 :   2x 10x  16.1 ms
  2x 10 loops of size  512 :   2x 10x  16.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x  26.2 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  26.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  28.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  33.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  42.0 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 159.9 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 420.0 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 508.1 ms
KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 64) -------------
  8x 10 loops of size  256 :   8x 10x   4.4 ms
  8x 10 loops of size  512 :   8x 10x   4.3 ms
  4x 10 loops of size   1 k:   4x 10x   6.9 ms
  2x 10 loops of size   2 k:   2x 10x  12.0 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  24.0 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  26.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  30.0 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 151.5 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 390.5 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 399.6 ms

Embeddings of dimension 1,024

Embedding of dimension 1,024 = 256 heads of dimension 4.

run_experiment(embed_dim=1024, num_heads=256)
Multi-head attention (forward+backward, embed_dim=1024,n_heads=256,heads_dim=4)


Benchmarking : Multi-head attention (forward+backward, embed_dim=1024,n_heads=256,heads_dim=4) ===============================
PyTorch -------------
  4x 10 loops of size  256 :   4x 10x   3.3 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  512 :   1x 10x  12.0 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x  42.0 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 4.00 GiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 8.11 GiB already allocated; 742.56 MiB free; 9.00 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 256) -------------
  1x 10 loops of size  256 :   1x 10x  92.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  512 :   1x 10x  99.2 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x 113.2 ms
  1x  1 loops of size   2 k:   1x  1x 142.6 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 1024.00 MiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 8.63 GiB already allocated; 738.56 MiB free; 9.01 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 64) -------------
  2x 10 loops of size  256 :   2x 10x   8.4 ms
  2x 10 loops of size  512 :   2x 10x  10.2 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x  17.5 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  25.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  44.3 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  79.6 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 1024.00 MiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 7.87 GiB already allocated; 742.56 MiB free; 9.00 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
KeOps -------------
128x 10 loops of size  256 : 128x 10x   1.3 ms
 64x 10 loops of size  512 :  64x 10x   2.7 ms
 32x 10 loops of size   1 k:  32x 10x   7.0 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  22.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  70.2 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x 241.0 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  16 k:   1x  1x 895.0 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  33 k:   1x  1x    3.5 s
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x   13.7 s
** Too slow!
KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 256) -------------
  1x 10 loops of size  256 :   1x 10x  93.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  512 :   1x 10x  94.5 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x  96.0 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x 100.5 ms
  1x  1 loops of size   4 k:   1x  1x 110.7 ms
  1x  1 loops of size   8 k:   1x  1x 134.1 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  16 k:   1x  1x 179.5 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  33 k:   1x  1x 362.5 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 759.6 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 768.00 MiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 8.98 GiB already allocated; 226.56 MiB free; 9.51 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 64) -------------
  2x 10 loops of size  256 :   2x 10x   9.2 ms
  2x 10 loops of size  512 :   2x 10x   9.5 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x  21.3 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  23.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  30.5 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  47.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  79.8 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 238.9 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 613.7 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 824.5 ms

Embedding of dimension 1,024 = 32 heads of dimension 32.

run_experiment(embed_dim=1024, num_heads=32)
Multi-head attention (forward+backward, embed_dim=1024,n_heads=32,heads_dim=32)


Benchmarking : Multi-head attention (forward+backward, embed_dim=1024,n_heads=32,heads_dim=32) ===============================
PyTorch -------------
  4x 10 loops of size  256 :   4x 10x   1.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  512 :   1x 10x   3.5 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x   8.2 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  26.2 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 2.00 GiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 8.19 GiB already allocated; 1.23 GiB free; 8.50 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 256) -------------
  1x 10 loops of size  256 :   1x 10x  17.0 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  512 :   1x 10x  17.5 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x  19.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  25.4 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  37.4 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  63.2 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x 111.5 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 1024.00 MiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 8.20 GiB already allocated; 226.56 MiB free; 9.51 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 64) -------------
  2x 10 loops of size  256 :   2x 10x   8.2 ms
  2x 10 loops of size  512 :   2x 10x   7.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x  16.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  17.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  19.2 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  34.3 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  66.6 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 221.5 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 573.2 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 512.00 MiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 9.04 GiB already allocated; 210.56 MiB free; 9.52 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
KeOps -------------
128x 10 loops of size  256 : 128x 10x   1.1 ms
 64x 10 loops of size  512 :  64x 10x   2.7 ms
 32x 10 loops of size   1 k:  32x 10x   7.3 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  25.0 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  78.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x 273.1 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  16 k:   1x  1x    1.0 s
  1x  1 loops of size  33 k:   1x  1x    4.0 s
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x   15.6 s
** Too slow!
KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 256) -------------
  1x 10 loops of size  256 :   1x 10x  24.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  512 :   1x 10x  24.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x  26.3 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  31.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  41.6 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  65.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x 114.0 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  33 k:   1x  1x 299.3 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 696.4 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 993.2 ms
KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 64) -------------
  2x 10 loops of size  256 :   2x 10x  18.3 ms
  2x 10 loops of size  512 :   2x 10x  18.6 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x  28.5 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  30.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  36.4 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  51.2 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  81.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 233.4 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 568.0 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 512.00 MiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 8.10 GiB already allocated; 208.56 MiB free; 9.52 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!

Embedding of dimension 1,024 = 8 heads of dimension 128.

run_experiment(embed_dim=1024, num_heads=8)
Multi-head attention (forward+backward, embed_dim=1024,n_heads=8,heads_dim=128)


Benchmarking : Multi-head attention (forward+backward, embed_dim=1024,n_heads=8,heads_dim=128) ===============================
PyTorch -------------
  4x 10 loops of size  256 :   4x 10x 880.7 µs
  1x 10 loops of size  512 :   1x 10x   2.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x   4.6 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  12.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  37.4 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 2.00 GiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 8.49 GiB already allocated; 230.56 MiB free; 9.50 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 256) -------------
  1x 10 loops of size  256 :   1x 10x  14.2 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  512 :   1x 10x  13.0 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x  13.4 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  16.4 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  23.3 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  37.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  73.2 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 234.1 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 503.2 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 1024.00 MiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 8.10 GiB already allocated; 226.56 MiB free; 9.51 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!
PyTorch (Nyström landmarks = 64) -------------
  2x 10 loops of size  256 :   2x 10x   9.6 ms
  2x 10 loops of size  512 :   2x 10x  11.3 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x  21.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  22.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  20.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  30.3 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x  61.8 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  33 k:   1x 10x 203.7 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 582.2 ms
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x 765.0 ms
KeOps -------------
128x 10 loops of size  256 : 128x 10x   3.4 ms
 64x 10 loops of size  512 :  64x 10x  11.5 ms
 32x 10 loops of size   1 k:  32x 10x  42.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x 176.9 ms
  1x  1 loops of size   4 k:   1x  1x 664.9 ms
  1x  1 loops of size   8 k:   1x  1x    2.6 s
  1x  1 loops of size  16 k:   1x  1x   10.2 s
** Too slow!
KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 256) -------------
  1x 10 loops of size  256 :   1x 10x  71.3 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  512 :   1x 10x  73.7 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x  71.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  92.3 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x 140.6 ms
  1x  1 loops of size   8 k:   1x  1x 228.4 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  16 k:   1x  1x 416.3 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  33 k:   1x  1x 862.3 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x    1.8 s
  1x  1 loops of size 131 k:   1x  1x    3.2 s
KeOps (Nyström landmarks = 64) -------------
  2x 10 loops of size  256 :   2x 10x  22.1 ms
  2x 10 loops of size  512 :   2x 10x  23.3 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   1 k:   1x 10x  36.1 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   2 k:   1x 10x  40.4 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   4 k:   1x 10x  58.9 ms
  1x 10 loops of size   8 k:   1x 10x  94.3 ms
  1x 10 loops of size  16 k:   1x 10x 167.4 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  33 k:   1x  1x 400.0 ms
  1x  1 loops of size  66 k:   1x  1x 889.1 ms
CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 512.00 MiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 8.06 GiB already allocated; 180.56 MiB free; 9.51 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
** Runtime error!

Total running time of the script: ( 10 minutes 48.849 seconds)

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