Last but not least, KeOps fully supports automatic differentiation.
Most of the magic required is implemented by the F::DiffT
attributes of KeOps formulas and reductions, as discussed in
previous pages.
Backprop through a Sum reduction
Then, to implement the PyTorch backward
of the KeOps Genred
operator, we simply have to remember that if
\((g_i) \in \mathbb{R}^{\mathrm{M}\times \mathrm{E}}\) is a “gradient to backpropagate” with
respect to the output \((a_i) \in \mathbb{R}^{\mathrm{M}\times \mathrm{E}}\)
of a Genred
call with a Sum reduction, we can write that for all variations
\((\delta p,\delta x_i, \delta y_j)\) of the parameters, \(i\)-
and \(j\)-variables, at order 1:
\sum_{j=1}^\mathrm{N} F(p+\delta p, x_i+\delta x_i, y_j + \delta y_j)
- F(p, x_i, y_j)~,~
\Big\rangle_{\mathbb{R}^{\mathrm{M}\times E}}\\
\sum_{i=1}^\mathrm{M} \sum_{j=1}^\mathrm{N}
\left\langle \partial_p F(\dots) \cdot g_i, \delta p \right\rangle
\left\langle \partial_{x_i} F(\dots) \cdot g_i, \delta x_i \right\rangle
\langle \partial_{y_j} F(\dots) \cdot g_i, \delta y_j \rangle
Consequently, performing the appropriate permutations of sums:
\Big[ \sum_{j=1}^\mathrm{N} F(p,x_i,y_j)\Big] \cdot (g_i)
\phantom{\sum_{i=1}^\mathrm{M} }
\sum_{j=1}^\mathrm{N} \Big(
\Big[ F(p,x_i,y_j)\Big] \cdot g_i \Big), \\
\Big[ \sum_{j=1}^\mathrm{N} F(p,x_i,y_j)\Big] \cdot (g_i)
\phantom{\sum_{i=1}^\mathrm{M} }
\sum_{i=1}^\mathrm{M} \Big(
\Big[ F(p,x_i,y_j)\Big] \cdot g_i \Big), \\
\Big[ \sum_{j=1}^\mathrm{N} F(p,x_i,y_j)\Big] \cdot (g_i)
\sum_{i=1}^\mathrm{M} \sum_{j=1}^\mathrm{N} \Big(
\Big[ F(p,x_i,y_j)\Big] \cdot g_i \Big).\end{aligned}\end{split}\]
Backprop through a Log-Sum-Exp reduction
Similarly, when \((a_i)\) is given through a Log-Sum-Exp
a_i~=~ \log \sum_{j=1}^\mathrm{N} \exp F(p,x_i,y_j),\end{aligned}\]
straightforward computations show that:
\Big[ \log \sum_{j=1}^\mathrm{N} \exp F(p,x_i,y_j)\Big] \cdot (g_i)
\phantom{\sum_{i=1}^\mathrm{M} }
e^{F(p,x_i,y_j) - a_i}\cdot
\Big[ F(p,x_i,y_j)\Big] \cdot g_i\Big), \\
\Big[ \log \sum_{j=1}^\mathrm{N} \exp F(p,x_i,y_j)\Big] \cdot (g_i)
\phantom{\sum_{i=1}^\mathrm{M} }
e^{F(p,x_i,y_j) - a_i}\cdot
\Big[ F(p,x_i,y_j)\Big] \cdot g_i\Big), \\
\Big[ \log \sum_{j=1}^\mathrm{N} \exp F(p,x_i,y_j)\Big] \cdot (g_i)
\sum_{i=1}^\mathrm{M} \sum_{j=1}^\mathrm{N}
e^{F(p,x_i,y_j) - a_i}\cdot
\Big[ F(p,x_i,y_j)\Big] \cdot g_i\Big).\end{aligned}\end{split}\]
In other words, a backward pass through a Genred
call that involves
a Sum or a Log-Sum-Exp reduction can
always be written as a symbolic Map-Reduce computation.
Bootstrapping derivatives of arbitrary order
Applying these commutation rules between the differential operator
\(\partial_\texttt{V}\) and the Sum or Log-Sum-Exp reductions, the
module provides full
compatibility between KeOps LazyTensors
and the
package. Thanks to recursive calls to the Genred
operator and to our
symbolic math engine, everything works just fine – even high-order