Math friendly syntax

pykeops.numpy - Math-friendly aliases:


generic_sum(formula, output, *aliases, **kwargs)

Alias for numpy.Genred with a "Sum" reduction.

generic_logsumexp(formula, output, *aliases, ...)

Alias for numpy.Genred with a "LogSumExp" reduction.

generic_argmin(formula, output, *aliases, ...)

Alias for numpy.Genred with an "ArgMin" reduction.

generic_argkmin(formula, output, *aliases, ...)

Alias for numpy.Genred with an "ArgKMin" reduction.


pykeops.numpy.generic_sum(formula, output, *aliases, **kwargs)[source]

Alias for numpy.Genred with a “Sum” reduction.

  • formula (string) – Symbolic KeOps expression, as in numpy.Genred.

  • output (string) –

    An identifier of the form "AL = TYPE(DIM)" that specifies the category and dimension of the output variable. Here:

    • AL is a dummy alphanumerical name.

    • TYPE is a category. One of:

      • Vi: indexation by i along axis 0; reduction is performed along axis 1.

      • Vj: indexation by j along axis 1; reduction is performed along axis 0.

    • DIM is an integer, the dimension of the output variable; it should be compatible with formula.

  • *aliases (strings) – List of identifiers, as in numpy.Genred.

Keyword Arguments:

dtype (string, default = "float64") –

Specifies the numerical dtype of the input and output arrays. The supported values are:

  • dtype = "float16",

  • dtype = "float32",

  • dtype = "float64".


A generic reduction that can be called on arbitrary NumPy arrays, as documented in numpy.Genred.


>>> my_conv = generic_sum(       # Custom Kernel Density Estimator
...     'Exp(-SqNorm2(x - y))',  # Formula
...     'a = Vi(1)',             # Output: 1 scalar per line
...     'x = Vi(3)',             # 1st input: dim-3 vector per line
...     'y = Vj(3)')             # 2nd input: dim-3 vector per line
>>> # Apply it to 2d arrays x and y with 3 columns and a (huge) number of lines
>>> x = np.random.randn(1000000, 3)
>>> y = np.random.randn(2000000, 3)
>>> a = my_conv(x, y)  # a_i = sum_j exp(-|x_i-y_j|^2)
>>> print(a.shape)
(1000000, 1)
pykeops.numpy.generic_logsumexp(formula, output, *aliases, **kwargs)[source]

Alias for numpy.Genred with a “LogSumExp” reduction.

  • formula (string) – Scalar-valued symbolic KeOps expression, as in numpy.Genred.

  • output (string) –

    An identifier of the form "AL = TYPE(1)" that specifies the category and dimension of the output variable. Here:

    • AL is a dummy alphanumerical name.

    • TYPE is a category. One of:

      • Vi: indexation by i along axis 0; reduction is performed along axis 1.

      • Vj: indexation by j along axis 1; reduction is performed along axis 0.

  • *aliases (strings) – List of identifiers, as in numpy.Genred.

Keyword Arguments:

dtype (string, default = "float64") –

Specifies the numerical dtype of the input and output arrays. The supported values are:

  • dtype = "float16",

  • dtype = "float32",

  • dtype = "float64".


A generic reduction that can be called on arbitrary NumPy arrays, as documented in numpy.Genred.


Log-likelihood of a Gaussian Mixture Model,

>>> log_likelihood = generic_logsumexp(
...     '(-(g * SqNorm2(x - y))) + b', # Formula
...     'a = Vi(1)',              # Output: 1 scalar per line
...     'x = Vi(3)',              # 1st input: dim-3 vector per line
...     'y = Vj(3)',              # 2nd input: dim-3 vector per line
...     'g = Pm(1)',              # 3rd input: vector of size 1
...     'b = Vj(1)')              # 4th input: 1 scalar per line
>>> x = np.random.randn(1000000, 3)
>>> y = np.random.randn(2000000, 3)
>>> g = np.array([.5])            # Parameter of our GMM
>>> b = np.random.rand(2000000, 1)  # Positive weights...
>>> b = b / b.sum()               # Normalized to get a probability measure
>>> a = log_likelihood(x, y, g, np.log(b))  # a_i = log sum_j exp(-g*|x_i-y_j|^2) * b_j
>>> print(a.shape)
(1000000, 1)
pykeops.numpy.generic_argmin(formula, output, *aliases, **kwargs)[source]

Alias for numpy.Genred with an “ArgMin” reduction.

  • formula (string) – Scalar-valued symbolic KeOps expression, as in numpy.Genred.

  • output (string) –

    An identifier of the form "AL = TYPE(1)" that specifies the category and dimension of the output variable. Here:

    • AL is a dummy alphanumerical name.

    • TYPE is a category. One of:

      • Vi: indexation by i along axis 0; reduction is performed along axis 1.

      • Vj: indexation by j along axis 1; reduction is performed along axis 0.

  • *aliases (strings) – List of identifiers, as in numpy.Genred.

Keyword Arguments:

dtype (string, default = "float64") –

Specifies the numerical dtype of the input and output arrays. The supported values are:

  • dtype = "float16",

  • dtype = "float32",

  • dtype = "float64".


A generic reduction that can be called on arbitrary NumPy arrays, as documented in numpy.Genred.


Bruteforce nearest neighbor search in dimension 100:

>>> nearest_neighbor = generic_argmin(
...     'SqDist(x, y)',   # Formula
...     'a = Vi(1)',      # Output: 1 scalar per line
...     'x = Vi(100)',    # 1st input: dim-100 vector per line
...     'y = Vj(100)')    # 2nd input: dim-100 vector per line
>>> x = np.random.randn(5,     100)
>>> y = np.random.randn(20000, 100)
>>> a = nearest_neighbor(x, y)
>>> print(a)
[[ 8761.],
 [ 2836.],
 [  906.],
 [ 3158.]]
>>> dists = np.linalg.norm(x - y[ a.view(-1).long() ], axis=1)  # Distance to the nearest neighbor
>>> print(dists)
[10.5926, 10.9132,  9.9694, 10.1396, 10.1955]
pykeops.numpy.generic_argkmin(formula, output, *aliases, **kwargs)[source]

Alias for numpy.Genred with an “ArgKMin” reduction.

  • formula (string) – Scalar-valued symbolic KeOps expression, as in numpy.Genred.

  • output (string) –

    An identifier of the form "AL = TYPE(K)" that specifies the category and dimension of the output variable. Here:

    • AL is a dummy alphanumerical name.

    • TYPE is a category. One of:

      • Vi: indexation by i along axis 0; reduction is performed along axis 1.

      • Vj: indexation by j along axis 1; reduction is performed along axis 0.

    • K is an integer, the number of values to extract.

  • *aliases (strings) – List of identifiers, as in numpy.Genred.

Keyword Arguments:

dtype (string, default = "float64") –

Specifies the numerical dtype of the input and output arrays. The supported values are:

  • dtype = "float16",

  • dtype = "float32",

  • dtype = "float64".


A generic reduction that can be called on arbitrary NumPy arrays, as documented in numpy.Genred.


Bruteforce K-nearest neighbors search in dimension 100:

>>> knn = generic_argkmin(
...     'SqDist(x, y)',   # Formula
...     'a = Vi(3)',      # Output: 3 scalars per line
...     'x = Vi(100)',    # 1st input: dim-100 vector per line
...     'y = Vj(100)')    # 2nd input: dim-100 vector per line
>>> x = np.random.randn(5,     100)
>>> y = np.random.randn(20000, 100)
>>> a = knn(x, y)
>>> print(a)
[[ 9054., 11653., 11614.],
 [13466., 11903., 14180.],
 [14164.,  8809.,  3799.],
 [ 2092.,  3323., 18479.],
 [14433., 11315., 11841.]]
>>> print( np.linalg.norm(x - y[ a[:,0].astype(int) ], axis=1) )  # Distance to the nearest neighbor
[10.7933, 10.3235, 10.1218, 11.4919, 10.5100]
>>> print( np.linalg.norm(x - y[ a[:,1].astype(int) ], axis=1) )  # Distance to the second neighbor
[11.3702, 10.6550, 10.7646, 11.5676, 11.1356]
>>> print( np.linalg.norm(x - y[ a[:,2].astype(int) ], axis=1) )  # Distance to the third neighbor
[11.3820, 10.6725, 10.8510, 11.6071, 11.1968]