A blind spot in the literature

Memory usage, performances. Out of the box, the tensor-centric interfaces of PyTorch, TensorFlow, Matlab and NumPy strike a good balance between power and simplicity: explicit matrices allow users to implement standard engineering tools with a code that stays close to the maths.

But there is a limit to what full matrices can handle: whenever the operators involved present some structure, baseline matrix-vector products can be vastly outperformed by domain-specific implementations. Some examples of this rule are well-known and supported by major frameworks through dedicated methods and “layers”:

  • In Image Processing, convolutions, Fourier and Wavelet transforms rely on ad hoc schemes that do not involve circulant or Vandermonde matrices.

  • On graph or mesh data, sparse matrices are encoded as lists of indices plus coefficients and provide support for local operators: graph Laplacians, divergences, etc.

KeOps: adding support for symbolic tensors. Surprisingly, though, little to no effort has been made to support generic mathematical or “symbolic” matrices, which are not sparse in the traditional sense but can nevertheless be described compactly in memory using a symbolic formula and some small data arrays.

Allowing the users of kernel or distance matrices to bypass the transfer and storage of superfluous quadratic buffers is the main purpose of the KeOps library. As a bite-sized example of our interface, the program below is a revision of the script presented in the previous section that scales up to clouds of N=1,000,000 samples in less than a second on modern hardware, with a linear memory footprint – remark the absence of any N-by-N buffer in the graph.

from pykeops.torch import LazyTensor  # Semi-symbolic wrapper for torch Tensors
q_i  = LazyTensor( q[:,None,:] )  # (N,D) Tensor -> (N,1,D) Symbolic Tensor
q_j  = LazyTensor( q[None,:,:] )  # (N,D) Tensor -> (1,N,D) Symbolic Tensor

D_ij = ((q_i - q_j) ** 2).sum(dim=2)  # Symbolic matrix of squared distances
K_ij = (- D_ij / (2 * s**2) ).exp()   # Symbolic Gaussian kernel matrix
v    = K_ij@p  # Genuine torch Tensor. (N,N)@(N,D) = (N,D)

# Finally, compute the kernel norm H(q,p):
H = .5 * torch.dot( p.view(-1), v.view(-1) ) # .5 * <p,v>
# Display the computational graph in the figure below, annotated by hand:
make_dot(H, {'q':q, 'p':p}).render(view=True)
Computational graph