import numpy as np
import torch
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse, FancyArrowPatch, Rectangle, PathPatch
from matplotlib.path import Path
from imodal.Utilities import close_shape
[docs]def plot_closed_shape(shape, **kwargs):
closed_shape = close_shape(shape)
plt.plot(closed_shape[:, 0], closed_shape[:, 1], **kwargs)
[docs]def plot_grid(ax, gridx, gridy, **kwargs):
""" Plot grid.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the grid will be drawn.
gridx :
Abscisse component of the grid that will be drawn.
gridy :
Ordinate component of the grid that will be drawn.
kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that gets passed to the plot() functions.
for i in range(gridx.shape[0]):
ax.plot(gridx[i, :], gridy[i, :], **kwargs)
for i in range(gridx.shape[1]):
ax.plot(gridx[:, i], gridy[:, i], **kwargs)
[docs]def plot_C_arrows(ax, pos, C, R=None, c_index=0, scale=1., **kwargs):
""" Plot growth constants as arrows.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the arrows will be drawn.
pos : torch.Tensor
Positions of the growth constants arrows.
C : torch.Tensor
Growth constants.
R : torch.Tensor, default=None
Local frame of each positions. If none, will assume idendity.
c_index : int, default=0
The dimension of the growth constants that will get drawn.
scale : float, default=1.
Scale applied to the arrow lengths.
kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that gets passed to the underlying matplotlib plot
for i in range(pos.shape[0]):
C_i = scale*C[i, :, c_index]
arrowstyle_x = "<->"
arrowstyle_y = "<->"
if C_i[0] <= 0.:
arrowstyle_x += ",head_length=-0.4"
if C_i[1] <= 0.:
arrowstyle_y += ",head_length=-0.4"
if R is not None:
rotmat = R[i].numpy()
rotmat = np.eye(2)
top_pos =, np.array([0., C_i[1]/2.])) + pos[i].numpy()
bot_pos =, -np.array([0., C_i[1]/2])) + pos[i].numpy()
left_pos =, -np.array([C_i[0]/2, 0.])) + pos[i].numpy()
right_pos =, np.array([C_i[0]/2, 0.])) + pos[i].numpy()
ax.add_patch(FancyArrowPatch(left_pos, right_pos, arrowstyle=arrowstyle_x, **kwargs))
ax.add_patch(FancyArrowPatch(bot_pos, top_pos, arrowstyle=arrowstyle_y, **kwargs))
[docs]def plot_C_ellipses(ax, pos, C, R=None, c_index=0, scale=1., **kwargs):
""" Plot growth constants as ellipses.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the ellipses will be drawn.
pos : torch.Tensor
Positions of the growth constants ellipses.
C : torch.Tensor
Growth constants.
R : torch.Tensor, default=None
Local frame of each positions. If none, will assume idendity.
c_index : int, default=0
The dimension of the growth constants that will get drawn.
scale : float, default=1.
Scale applied to the ellipses.
kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that gets passed to the underlying matplotlib plot
if R is not None:
angle = torch.atan2(R[:, 1, 0], R[:, 0, 0])/math.pi*180.
angle = torch.zeros(C.shape[0])
for i in range(pos.shape[0]):
C_i = scale*C[i, :, c_index]
e = Ellipse(xy=pos[i], width=abs(C_i[0].item()), height=abs(C_i[1].item()), angle=angle[i].item(), **kwargs)
a = 0.5*(1+torch.sign(C_i[0])).item()
b = 0.5*(1+torch.sign(C_i[1])).item()
e.set_facecolor((0.5-0.25*(a+b), 0, 0.5+0.25*(a+b)))
# ax.add_artist(Ellipse(xy=pos[i], width=abs(C_i[0].item()), height=abs(C_i[1].item()), angle=angle[i].item(), **kwargs))
[docs]def set_aspect_equal_3d(ax):
"""Fix equal aspect bug for 3D plots. Equivalent to `plt.axis('equal')` in 3D."""
xlim = ax.get_xlim3d()
ylim = ax.get_ylim3d()
zlim = ax.get_zlim3d()
from numpy import mean
xmean = mean(xlim)
ymean = mean(ylim)
zmean = mean(zlim)
plot_radius = max([abs(lim - mean_)
for lims, mean_ in ((xlim, xmean),
(ylim, ymean),
(zlim, zmean))
for lim in lims])
ax.set_xlim3d([xmean - plot_radius, xmean + plot_radius])
ax.set_ylim3d([ymean - plot_radius, ymean + plot_radius])
ax.set_zlim3d([zmean - plot_radius, zmean + plot_radius])
[docs]def plot_aabb(ax, aabb, **kwargs):
ax.add_artist(Rectangle((aabb.ymin, aabb.xmin), aabb.width, aabb.height, fill=False, **kwargs))
[docs]def plot_polyline(ax, polyline, close=False, **kwargs):
codes = [Path.MOVETO]
polyline = polyline.tolist()
if close:
polyline.append((0., 0.))
path = Path(polyline, codes)
ax.add_artist(PathPatch(path, **kwargs))
[docs]def plot_basis3d(points, basis, length=0.1, **kwargs):
plt.quiver(points[:, 0].numpy(), points[:, 1].numpy(), points[:, 2].numpy(), basis[:, 0, 0].numpy(), basis[:, 1, 0].numpy(), basis[:, 2, 0].numpy(), length=length, color='red', **kwargs)
plt.quiver(points[:, 0].numpy(), points[:, 1].numpy(), points[:, 2].numpy(), basis[:, 0, 1].numpy(), basis[:, 1, 1].numpy(), basis[:, 2, 1].numpy(), length=length, color='green', **kwargs)
plt.quiver(points[:, 0].numpy(), points[:, 1].numpy(), points[:, 2].numpy(), basis[:, 0, 2].numpy(), basis[:, 1, 2].numpy(), basis[:, 2, 2].numpy(), length=length, color='blue', **kwargs)