import itertools
import math
import copy
from collections import Iterable
import torch
import numpy as np
from imodal.Utilities.usefulfunctions import grid2vec
[docs]class AABB:
dim_prefix = ['x', 'y', 'z']
"""Class used to represent an Axis Aligned Bounding Box in 1D, 2D and 3D."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Values can be filled using three ways:
- As an iterable (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ...)
- As two iterables (xmin, ymin, ...), (xmax, ymax, ...)
- As a dictionary {'xmin': xmin, 'xmax': xmax, 'ymin': ymin, ...)
assert not (not(args) and not(kwargs))
if args:
if len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[0], Iterable) and isinstance(args[1], Iterable):
self.__init_from_two_iterables(args[0], args[1])
def __init_from_two_iterables(self, kmin, kmax):
assert len(kmin) == len(kmax)
for _kmin, _kmax in zip(kmin, kmax):
if _kmin > _kmax:
raise ValueError("AABB.__init__(): {kmin} > {kmax}!".format(kmin=_kmin, kmax=_kmax))
self.__dim = len(kmin)
self.__kmin = kmin
self.__kmax = kmax
def __init_from_iterable(self, iterable):
assert len(iterable) % 2 == 0
kmin = tuple(iterable[::2])
kmax = tuple(iterable[1::2])
for _kmin, _kmax in zip(kmin, kmax):
if _kmin > _kmax:
raise ValueError("AABB.__init__(): {kmin} > {kmax}!".format(kmin=_kmin, kmax=_kmax))
self.__dim = int(len(iterable)/2)
self.__kmin = kmin
self.__kmax = kmax
def __init_from_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
self.__dim = 0
self.__kmin = []
self.__kmax = []
for pre in AABB.dim_prefix:
min_str = pre+'min'
max_str = pre+'max'
if (min_str not in kwargs) or (max_str not in kwargs):
if kwargs[min_str] > kwargs[max_str]:
raise ValueError("AABB.__init__(): {kmin} > {kmax}!".format(kmin=kwargs[min_str], kmax=kwargs[max_str]))
self.__kmin = tuple(self.__kmin)
self.__kmax = tuple(self.__kmax)
self.__dim = len(self.__kmin)
[docs] @classmethod
def build_from_points(cls, points):
"""Build the AABB using points.
The constructed AABB will enclose the input set of points.
points : torch.Tensor
The (:math:'N', dim) tensor of points.
return cls(torch.min(points, dim=0)[0].tolist(), torch.max(points, dim=0)[0].tolist())
def __str__(self):
return "Utilities.AABB " + str(self.todict())
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, int):
return self.totuple()[key]
elif isinstance(key, str):
return getattr(self, key)
raise ValueError("AABB.__getitem__(): key of type {keytype} not understood!".format(keytype=type(key)))
def dim(self):
""" The dimension of the AABB.
return self.__dim
[docs] def totuple(self):
""" Returns the AABB as a 2*dim-tuple.
The d-tuple (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ...).
return tuple(itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.tocouple()))
[docs] def todict(self):
""" Returns the AABB as a dictionary.
The dictionary {'xmin': xmin, 'xmax': xmax, 'ymin': ymin, ...}
d = dict((pre+'min', kmin) for pre, kmin in zip(AABB.dim_prefix, self.__kmin))
d.update((pre+'max', kmax) for pre, kmax in zip(AABB.dim_prefix, self.__kmax))
return d
[docs] def tocouple(self):
""" Returns the AABB as a dim-tuple of intervals.
dim-tuple of (kmin, kmax) couples.
return tuple((kmin, kmax) for kmin, kmax in zip(self.__kmin, self.__kmax))
def kmin(self):
""" dim-tuple of the lower boundaries. """
return self.__kmin
def kmax(self):
""" dim-tuple of the upper boundaries. """
return self.__kmax
def xmin(self):
return self.__kmin[0]
def xmax(self):
return self.__kmax[0]
def ymin(self):
return self.__kmin[1]
def ymax(self):
return self.__kmax[1]
def zmin(self):
return self.__kmin[2]
def zmax(self):
return self.__kmax[2]
def __length_index(self, index):
return self.__kmax[index] - self.__kmin[index]
def width(self):
return self.__length_index(0)
def height(self):
return self.__length_index(1)
def depth(self):
return self.__length_index(2)
def shape(self):
""" d-tuple (width, height, ...). """
return tuple(self.__length_index(i) for i in range(self.__dim))
def centers(self):
return tuple(0.5*(kmax+kmin) for kmax, kmin in zip(self.__kmax, self.__kmin))
def length(self):
assert self.__dim == 1
return self.width
def area(self):
assert self.__dim == 2
return abs(self.xmax - self.xmin) * abs(self.ymax - self.ymin)
def volume(self):
assert self.__dim == 3
return abs(self.xmax - self.xmin) * abs(self.ymax - self.ymin) * abs(self.zmax - self.zmin)
[docs] def fill_random(self, N, dtype=None, device=None):
""" Fill the AABB with :math:'N' Poisson distributed points.
[:math:'N', dim] shaped tensor of the points inside the AABB.
return torch.tensor(self.shape, dtype=dtype, device=device) * torch.rand(N, self.__dim) + torch.tensor(self.__kmin, dtype=dtype, device=device)
[docs] def fill_random_density(self, density, dtype=None, device=None):
""" Fill the AABB with points following a :math:'\\lambda'=*density* Poisson law.
[:math:'N', dim] shaped tensor with :math:'N' the number of points inside the AABB.
return self.fill_random(int(*density), dtype=dtype, device=device)
[docs] def fill_count(self, counts, dtype=None, device=None):
""" Fill the AABB uniformly with a set amount of points per dimension.
[:math:'N', dim] shaped tensor with :math:'N' the number of points inside the AABB.
assert isinstance(counts, int) or (isinstance(counts, Iterable) and len(counts) == self.__dim)
if isinstance(counts, int):
counts = [counts]*self.__dim
grids = torch.meshgrid([torch.linspace(kmin, kmax, count, dtype=dtype, device=device) for kmin, kmax, count in zip(self.__kmin, self.__kmax, counts)])
return grid2vec(*grids)
[docs] def is_inside(self, points):
# TODO change this horrible horrible hack
return list(itertools.accumulate([torch.where((points[:, i] >= self.__kmin[i]) & (points[:, i] <= self.__kmax[i]), torch.tensor([1.]), torch.tensor([0.])) for i in range(self.__dim)], lambda x,y: x*y))[-1].to(dtype=torch.bool)
[docs] def squared_(self):
"""Squares the AABB inplace (the center does not move)."""
if self.__dim == 1:
length_index = max(range(len(self.shape)), key=lambda i: self.shape[i])
scales = [self.shape[length_index]/shape for shape in self.shape]
centers = self.centers
self.__kmin = tuple(scale*(kmin-center)+center for scale, kmin, center in zip(scales, self.__kmin, centers))
self.__kmax = tuple(scale*(kmax-center)+center for scale, kmax, center in zip(scales, self.__kmax, centers))
[docs] def squared(self):
"""Returns an inplace squared AABB.
The squared AABB.
out = copy.copy(self)
return out
[docs] def scale_(self, factor):
TODO: Add documentation.
factors = []
if isinstance(factor, Iterable):
assert len(factor) == self.__dim
factors = factor
factors = [factor]*self.__dim
centers = self.centers
self.__kmin = tuple(factor*(kmin - center) + center for factor, kmin, center in zip(factors, self.__kmin, centers))
self.__kmax = tuple(factor*(kmax - center) + center for factor, kmax, center in zip(factors, self.__kmax, centers))
[docs] def scale(self, factor):
TODO: Add documentation.
out = copy.copy(self)
return out