Source code for Manifolds.NormalFrame

from typing import Iterable

import torch

from imodal.Manifolds.Abstract import Manifold
from imodal.StructuredFields import StructuredField_m, StructuredField_0
from imodal.StructuredFields.Abstract import SumStructuredField

[docs]class NormalFrame(Manifold): def __init__(self, dim, nb_pts, gd=None, tan=None, cotan=None, device=None): assert (gd is None) or ((gd[0].shape[0] == nb_pts) and (gd[0].shape[1] == dim) and\ (gd[1].shape[0] == nb_pts) and (gd[1].shape[1] == dim) and\ (gd[1].shape[2] == dim)) assert (tan is None) or ((tan[0].shape[0] == nb_pts) and (tan[0].shape[1] == dim) and\ (tan[1].shape[0] == nb_pts) and (tan[1].shape[1] == dim) and\ (tan[1].shape[2] == dim)) assert (cotan is None) or ((cotan[0].shape[0] == nb_pts) and (cotan[0].shape[1] == dim) and\ (cotan[1].shape[0] == nb_pts) and (cotan[1].shape[1] == dim) and\ (cotan[1].shape[2] == dim)) super().__init__(((dim,), (dim, dim)), nb_pts, gd, tan, cotan, device=device) self.__dim = dim @property def dim(self): return self.__dim
[docs] def inner_prod_field(self, field): man = self.infinitesimal_action(field) return[0].flatten(), man.tan[0].flatten()) + \ torch.einsum('nij, nij->', self.cotan[1], man.tan[1])
[docs] def infinitesimal_action(self, field): """Applies the vector field generated by the module on the landmark.""" vx = field([0]) d_vx = field([0], k=1) S = 0.5 * (d_vx - torch.transpose(d_vx, 1, 2)) vr = torch.bmm(S,[1]) return NormalFrame(self.__dim, self.nb_pts,, tan=(vx, vr))
[docs] def cot_to_vs(self, sigma, backend=None): v0 = StructuredField_0([0], self.cotan[0], sigma, backend=backend) R = torch.einsum('nik, njk->nij', self.cotan[1],[1]) vm = StructuredField_m([0], R, sigma, backend=backend) return SumStructuredField([v0, vm])